PH Help w/Dyna-Gro Pro-Tekt needed


Well-Known Member
I read quite a few articles on using silicone based products and it seems they are pretty good for your plants. So presently I use the GH FloraNova Gro and Micro, yes I have read where the Gro is not needed since the Flora Micro has enough nutes to take its place.

So I decided to try the Dyna-Gro Pro-Tekt. I mixed well and adjusted the ph to about 5.7, "presently the girls are about one foot tall". So when I checked the next day I saw the yellow streaks forming on the leaves so I checked the ph and it had jumped to 7.0. I also read where this Pro-Tekt will raise your ph.

So has anyone that has used this Pro-Tekt silicone have any tips or tricks of the trade to prevent this big swing? In other words what steps, or procedure do you use when using this product.

Many thanks for your help.
Are you adding the Protekt to the water first? If not, try that. I can get a stable pH in my waterfarms but I have to use plenty of pH down. I'm using the regular Flora Bloom and Micro though.


Well-Known Member
Are you adding the Protekt to the water first? If not, try that. I can get a stable pH in my waterfarms but I have to use plenty of pH down. I'm using the regular Flora Bloom and Micro though.
Thats what i did. I made up protekt in a seperate gallon along with the micro in another jug. I then poured in the protekt to my res water. Stirred well then added the micro, stirred and then the nova gro. I ph'd it to 5.6-5.7 and it shot up over night, so weird.
I have been using protect t for years and haven't notice any wild swings in ph. I use the 3 part std gh products and always put the protect t in last then ph to 5.5 with a couple drops of ph down and it stays very consistent for the 10 days until the next res change. I use a drip to waste system.


Well-Known Member
Im gonna give it a try and put it in last. I made a 5 gallon bucket today and ph'd it to 5.5 and left it on the counter and it rose to 7.2 in 6 hrs


Well-Known Member
The GH 3-part isn't pH stable so regardless of whether you're using protekt or not, your pH swings are what I experienced too.

As far as procedures go, add it to your res first and pH your res a few times per week since you're using GH.


Well-Known Member
Good point. It does say add first, im using the gh nova grow then bloom. Looks like they call those two one part systems. But gh micro for the micro nutes says that one needs in first since its added to the others. I hope that combo isnt causing my dilema so will be testing this.


Well-Known Member
All that I know, thanks to homebrew, is that I have gallons of gh products I will never use after switching to dyna-grow.
What I am doing now is adding protekt to the rez first and then the dyna-grow. The PH is ROCK solid and it grows great plants.
In 7 weeks I have not had to adjust my ph one time. This is amazing!!

Thanks you HB
My biggest suggestion would be to make sure first that you have a clean rez. If it has any sort of algae growing or reactions going on inside it could be something that changes you PH very fast in as little as a night most of the time this shouldn't occur though.

Another thing is to make sure that your mixing your Nutrients correctly. First when adding nutrients to your rez add those nutrients in order of highest to lowest Nitrogen (unless its an A B solution then just do the A and B first) "the first number N-P-K." Make sure you thoroughly mix the water between each of the nutrients you add to the rez to make sure the nutrients don't make "hotspots" or form reactions in those hotspots. Also make sure that you clean your mixing cups between adding the nutrients most definitely when I add silicone to my rez that additive especially will form solids. Also check your ppm to make sure that it isn't too high some people say that 2000 is the number not to go over I usually stay at around 1080ppm using AN and have never had any Nute burn and I get SOLID growth (no im not trying to sell any line; I'm glad you enjoy your nutrient lines).


Well-Known Member
Are you using GH micro with the floranova series?
Yes,..... I know from Lucas "and his formula" saying you do not need the nova gro if using the micro because it has it all. but I have it so I guess why not use it. I felt stupid after I ordered the gallon and read my notes on not needing it. I also have the 35% h2o2 cut down to 3 to 1 and I also have the protekt..


Well-Known Member
Just wanted to say thanks on your opinion. I need to take a good look at this set-up from the top down and find my problem. I have something out of wack.
It has settled down so when I do my next change I will list what I put in, the qty, the order mixed and list the result with a picture. maybe then someone will see something wrong, Assuming it still goes wacky.

Curious, aren't these AN nutes really expensive?

Thanks again Sweet'nHeavy and good luck to you and your grows.....

My biggest suggestion would be to make sure first that you have a clean rez. If it has any sort of algae growing or reactions going on inside it could be something that changes you PH very fast in as little as a night most of the time this shouldn't occur though.

Another thing is to make sure that your mixing your Nutrients correctly. First when adding nutrients to your rez add those nutrients in order of highest to lowest Nitrogen (unless its an A B solution then just do the A and B first) "the first number N-P-K." Make sure you thoroughly mix the water between each of the nutrients you add to the rez to make sure the nutrients don't make "hotspots" or form reactions in those hotspots. Also make sure that you clean your mixing cups between adding the nutrients most definitely when I add silicone to my rez that additive especially will form solids. Also check your ppm to make sure that it isn't too high some people say that 2000 is the number not to go over I usually stay at around 1080ppm using AN and have never had any Nute burn and I get SOLID growth (no im not trying to sell any line; I'm glad you enjoy your nutrient lines).


Well-Known Member
Yes,..... I know from Lucas "and his formula" saying you do not need the nova gro if using the micro because it has it all. but I have it so I guess why not use it. I felt stupid after I ordered the gallon and read my notes on not needing it. I also have the 35% h2o2 cut down to 3 to 1 and I also have the protekt..
The floranova series is a one part grow and bloom formula and should not be used with GH micro. Either stick with the GH 3-part or the FloraNova series, but don't use both together. You're doubling up which is not necessary.
The AN nutes are pretty expensive but theres only a few you "really" need I use Sensi a,b grow and bloom(big bottle blooms). Calmag grow calmag bloom, B52, Bigbud, carbo load. I run it all like its hydro (same ph and ppm) it cost me $250 for all of them but getting through veg in only 2 weeks and only watering every 5 days is worth it if you look at time as a factor of cost. I mean in reality how much is your time worth, when I ran soil I watered sometimes every other day, and in hydro I was checking levels everyday. I mean with a company that pushes almost 30 fucking nutrients its hard to see through all their bullshit and find the gems but what I've got really does kill it, for me at least.