PH in soil is SOOOO Low - Lime?


Active Member
Hi all - pics will come tomorrow when I can pick up my camera. My PH in soil (roots organic) - is incredably low (Like 4-5 yikes)...

The leaves have started curling like straws, and my Puple AK-47's is starting to droop like a mother...

they have been in flower for about 2 weeks now, in 5 gallon pots. Do you use Dolomite lime to raise the ph? Do I dilute it in water, or sprinkle it on top of the soil and flush? Any help would be appreciated - like I said, pics will come tomorrow.

- Cheers.


Well-Known Member
dolomite has a pH of 7 so it will try to stabilize the best it can, though to be effective you might need to use a lot, tbh I'm not too sure


Active Member
Just go get 2 gallons of distiled water per gallon of pot you have from the grocery store. Distilled water is normally 7.0 or it might be 6.0 depending on a few things that dont need to be nor do I feel like exsplaining...... but either way it doesn't matter flush the shit out of them and let them dry out completly. 4-5 isn't THAT bad it is accually a good range for alot of micro nuitrients to be uptaken but you dont want to stay there because your npk is being locked out. After that I recommend you get atleast some PH reading drops... and some ph up and down. If you dont have a hydro store around u can use the ones they sell for fishtanks =). anyway goodluck and dont forget to flush if you use fish tank up and down most importantly!

As I always say.... this is just my opinion but I do have some good results myself :wink: