PH in soil

Hi guys, so when i test my water for PH with test strips it's between 6 and 7 but when i test the soil with a soil PH meter the soil is 8, how can this be, which is right and which is wrong???
I've been growing commercially for 17 years and have never measured pH. Not once. I use a pH balanced medium and a pH balanced fertilizer. Water from the tap. It's that easy. You can see examples of my plants in the Free Seed thread linked below. Good luck.

pH meters are not going to read soil ph well, meters and tests only read certain things and won't account for the organic side or the ability to buffer.
With the buffering capacity of soil and the larger and different pH nutrient availability range in soil environment, pH adjustment of any water or feed solutions is not necessary and only adds un-necessary elements to the water and feed.
I've been growing commercially for 17 years and have never measured pH. Not once. I use a pH balanced medium and a pH balanced fertilizer. Water from the tap. It's that easy. You can see examples of my plants in the Free Seed thread linked below. Good luck.

So you use tap water and don't ph balance it? What is the natural PH of your tap water?