PH issues or NUTE BURN?


Active Member
Critical Sensi Star & Blue OG.

Using a
-2x4x5 tent
- G8 240watt (dual) LED and one
-PlatinumLED 300watt (dual) with VEG/BlOOM switches.
5 gallon round pots
2/3 FFOF with 1/3 FFHF on top with lots of perlite and a bit of dolomite lime.
- distilled water.
-AN nutes Grow, Micro, Bloom, B52, Overdrive, Voodoo Juice

Seeds sprouted 3/11. Topped on 3/29.....8 days ago.

CSS has been reaching almost since its first set of leaves. Looks awesome and and am experiencing no problems.. Just vigorous growth.

Blue OG has a different story. It hasn't done any "reaching" to the lights like the CSS. It doesn't grow as fast. Also the the main stem isn't as strong as the CSS. But has grown well and has about the same amount of nodes/branches as the CSS.

8 days ago i fed AN nutes to the plants use Ice mountain Spring water(mistake?) tested the water at 185ppm and after adding half the recommended dose of nutes ppm was at 660. Had about 3 and 1/2 cups runoff total from both plants.

topped plants two hours later

Both plants responded very well and had new growth with in 24 hours and looking great.

few day later -BLUE OG is getting little burnt edges on some of the older fan leaves. Couple days go by and im seeing slight Papering effect to leaves. Little amounts of burnt (yellow brown tips) and some yellow/brown spotting on my leaves. Also some of the leaves are curling upward on the edges and some of the tips are pointing down a bit.

That said there is still alot of new growth that is looking great and no issues on any of that but i am concerned about what the next course of action should be with this plant. Flush is what my gut says. Just having a hard time diagnosing it looks like it could be a few things.
-slight nute burn
-ph issues
-cal/mag issues ( now im newbie so i really dont understand cal/mag that well yet.

Was the water too high PH? (i read 8.0 online for ICE MOUNTAIN SPRING)

is the plant burnt from the nutes?

Now kicker is the CSS has been given ALL the same treatment and is dynamite no issues at all

please help......will post pics when cam is here



Well-Known Member
Nute burn, FFOF is already pretty hot you don't need nutes until flowering.
Sorry Yoda but it's not nute burn it's a PH issue look at the leaves the tips would be browm and withering but the leaves are deformed that's signs of PH issue. Here what a PH issue looks like

and here is nute burn



Active Member
I'd say he's panicking, looks like a calcium or/and maybe a magnesium deficiency.
Using pH 8.0 water once on potting soil, having excellent pH buffering qualities, won't cause any harm. Using pH 7.0 distilled water, water with all of the good, including calcium and magnesium, removed, for all other watering (?) over a longer period, could cause problems very well. Anyway, you started measuring in reverse order, first purchase should always be a pH meter.


Well-Known Member
flush hot soil naaaa.Id keep her on the dry side, till she recoops. No nutes till the soil has exhausted them and you see signs it needs fed. FF likes 7.0 ph. to start