ph level


Well-Known Member
hi all, quick question.

what ph level should i been aiming for in my water? using tap and things aren't going well.

please let me know.



I keep the Ph between 5.8 and 6.2. I would advise against using tap water, invest in a filtering system to get the impurities out. Your plants will thank you!


New Member
More than likely you have HARD tap water (meaning 8.0+)

Make sure you distill it (sit in open container for 24 hrs)

Buy superthrive and add a little more than it says depending on your water report. Look up the water report for your utility provider, it will have the pH of tap water in your city. Usually its right.

Superthrive lowers pH.


Active Member
Soil is around 6.5

Hydro is 5.8.

You should try and control it. And they are right you want to ph the water that is coming out of the dirt.

Most plants can "handle" tap water, but they all do much better with Distilled or RO water. They purer the better.

With pure water I have seen ph fluctuate more. No natural buffering ablity I believe.