pH lock out. need some help really quik


Iv made it to the last few weeks of flower with out ph'ing my water with out any major problems
But now, my WWxskunk ran in to some problems. the old bottom leafs are turning yellow with brown spots and spreading quick. I'm going to by a pH test kit and want to know, when I flush do I add nutes as well or strait water. Big bloom grow big and tiger bloom. thanks guys.


Active Member
What kind of light? My bottom leaves die off all the time at the bottom of the plant. From lack of light. They get yellow and die and right before they fall off they start turning brown. Dont fret sir. But if it was a ph lockout...well, the obvious help would be to PH your shitttt. What medium are you in? 6.5 for soil 5.8 for coco 5.5-6.1 for dwc and it will fluctuate daily. You just need to watch your new growth, if your new growth halts, or starts turning. You've got a problem.


I'm in soil with ~172 actual watt cfl. Just ph'ed and I'm at 7.2 with the little test strips. So now I'm leaning twords root bind and a little bit of lock out. Looking for a bigger pot as I speak. And how much baking soda to bring a gallon of water down to 6.2-6.5 or do I use vinager?


Got it transplanted every thing ph'ed and we shall see what happens. They should be done between Christmas day and new years... just in time to party!


Active Member
You migjt stress the plant transplanting it in its last few weeks. I didn't realize they were almost done. Leaves die all the time brother. Especiallytowards the end.


These leafs didn't just "die" there was a problem..
Iv probley flushed a OZ of dead leafs so far that have just turnd yellow and die due to not geting enuff light through out the grow but these were getting brown spots and there was still a little green left twords the stem
But its transplanted now so hope it doesn't effect it to much...


Active Member
Hey man, you do you, seems you know it. So I'll refrain from offering anything from this point on.


I didn't me for it to sound like that. I'm a total newb lol.
So let me refrase what I said...
The leafs that had me woried didn't look any think like leafs that have died earlyer in the grow.
But that dosnt meen there was a problem but i was jumping to conclusions when i souldnt hav. I'm here to learn. Not to be a smart ass (I reread my previous post and it does sound like I'm "a know it all") but I'm not