ph, nute lock? 2 plus weeks in, critical the dummie


Well-Known Member
hmmm, that's all you have with a 600w? What do u mean first successful one, what happened the other 2 times. Tell me more about the grow and whihc plant you are worried about. more info the better


Well-Known Member
Be more specific of which plant.

What are you feeding when watering? Coco is not neutral like many people think, its high in potassium.


Well-Known Member
3rd grow and hopefully first successfull one.
600 hps hort.
promix and 20% vermic 40% coco husk and worm cast
whats up with the small one, looks like it got too much h20, what do you all thinK?
Your plants look fine. The small one looks fine too. A little stretchy and they will not yield what they should for having a 600watt hps but they look good either way. I would lower the light and watch them carefully to make sure it doesn't burn them. Lowering the light should tighten up those buds. The paper plates you have there, serve no purpose really. Let air hit the soil, and even though people always want reflection, you don't really need it on the tender undersides of the leaves. Hopes this helps, even though you don't really have a problem. Good luck:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
thank you, I have been trying to get help on here for 11 months. I went my hydro shopp yesterday. Those are from same seed flowered at 16-20 inches. I bought clearex and fossil fuel a little horsbys bad bam bangin bud stuff. I have so many ferts and chemsf rom hydro, thats whats messing me up. The hydro worker told me I needed bigger pots and I could gently take it out and sit it in a bigger pot w/ perlite. But EVERYTHING ihear is, dont mess with them. I have one plant in a really small pot, I have to change that. AGAIN< can you change medium in flower? Or, can you swap it softly into a bigger container and put the same WOW. I will make sure not to rip the roots like you would a tomato plant. So I lowered PH 5.9 and flushed with my $15.00 clearex> At 6pm the sun comes up so I will send picts.
Thank you , please, please, please help, I have to screw it up a bunch on my own to get i I have not given up, as you can see. its 3pm, I get some photos up in 3 or 4 hours. gotta go back to work


Well-Known Member
thank you, I have been trying to get help on here for 11 months. I went my hydro shopp yesterday. Those are from same seed flowered at 16-20 inches. I bought clearex and fossil fuel a little horsbys bad bam bangin bud stuff. I have so many ferts and chemsf rom hydro, thats whats messing me up. The hydro worker told me I needed bigger pots and I could gently take it out and sit it in a bigger pot w/ perlite. But EVERYTHING ihear is, dont mess with them. I have one plant in a really small pot, I have to change that. AGAIN< can you change medium in flower? Or, can you swap it softly into a bigger container and put the same WOW. I will make sure not to rip the roots like you would a tomato plant. So I lowered PH 5.9 and flushed with my $15.00 clearex> At 6pm the sun comes up so I will send picts.
Thank you , please, please, please help, I have to screw it up a bunch on my own to get i I have not given up, as you can see. its 3pm, I get some photos up in 3 or 4 hours. gotta go back to work
Since you are already in bloom, DO NOT transplant them! You will just diminish your yield. Just keep feeding them when they ask for it, make sure the pots are light and you get water dripping out the bottom. Don't let them sit in their runoff water either. Once you are about two weeks away from harvest, start flushing them with plain water, add your clearex solution and I would put the ph at 6.0. It seems like you are trying to do to much when in reality they don't need it. I'll check the pics out when I'm off work if you post them.


Well-Known Member
OMG thank you, the guy at the hydro , h mud blast to fulvic, you name it. I was keeping ppm around 1600 this time and found that a bit too much. I am worryinng my soiless medium is not draining well. should I drill holes if there is onle like 3 nickle sized ones at the bottom. I have been putting them in a bigger bucket of aeirated nute soulution every few days lately. I just clear--xd 2 days ago and fertilised at 1,100 todayppm, ph 6.5. I was told the light was too close, I moved it to 24" or 2 feet. BUT is this 3 leaf pattern I am getting stress, nute, ph, or too much h2o2? Ia tell you you get to hey have everything thimmagine..locking certain others out. Thay are lime green , could that be the worm casting mixed in initially. I have have all the expensivenutes...but I get scarred of nute lock. BTW, what I mean as far as unsuccessfull, like .20 a watt 2 oz, maybe. superdank though is this 3 leaf pattern a big deal, and what do you mean about getting them tighter. Can you tell about the quality of the fruit yet? but all the pictures I see guys have their light like 3 feet.


Well-Known Member
I am trying to do too much, ever sence I reversed my to the their night, It keeps me out of there. I have drilled a bunch of hdaoles and have decided to ebb and flow once a day just before their dawn. what ppm, my ph pen broke, and the iodine stuff I just mix till yellow (like pee).as a my local h20 has a ppm of 160 and ph of 7+. does it help a lot to use R/O h2o or if you dont have it, is it best to let it sit a day.
Also a "brotha" I know "aquired" a fiberglass tank that I thought was a co2 tank, but its a h20 purifacation tank. I would guess its full of carbon? do you have any idea what I am talking about? there is a little black box on top that controls it? my temp is 60's night, 75-85 when lights are on. I was thinking of adding a 400 mh for a few hours a day. should I cut the 600 off.


Well-Known Member
I am trying to do too much, ever sence I reversed my to the their night, It keeps me out of there. I have drilled a bunch of hdaoles and have decided to ebb and flow once a day just before their dawn. what ppm, my ph pen broke, and the iodine stuff I just mix till yellow (like pee).as a my local h20 has a ppm of 160 and ph of 7+. does it help a lot to use R/O h2o or if you dont have it, is it best to let it sit a day.
Also a "brotha" I know "aquired" a fiberglass tank that I thought was a co2 tank, but its a h20 purifacation tank. I would guess its full of carbon? do you have any idea what I am talking about? there is a little black box on top that controls it? my temp is 60's night, 75-85 when lights are on. I was thinking of adding a 400 mh for a few hours a day. should I cut the 600 off.
Ok, first thing first, explain yourself thoroughly and use complete sentences. I don't want to seem like an ass but it's really hard to understand what you're saying. I'm not even sure exactly what you're doing or what problem you have. If you were watering at 1600 ppm, I would lower it. I think you said you lowered it to 1100ppm... that's good. Another important question I have for you, how many days have you been blooming them for? And what exactly do you want to know or what problems are you encountering?