PH Nutrient Problem?


Hi guys,

So I am still new to this and have a problem as of late.

I have 3 Plants growing and I am currently in just over 4 weeks into VEG and as of about 2 weeks I started having problems.

You must note that each plant is different. (Barny's Pineapple Chunk, Mazar X White Rhino and Dark Devil (Auto) So because they are all different there were showing different stresses.

All of the had Dark lime green leaves and were developing burnt spots nothing massive but I notice everything say a light spot here or where that would get more and more brown.

After I had transplanted to bigger pots the Pineapple Chunk leaves started going a little crinkled in the leaves(Still Lime Green and soft to the touch) and had a claw thing going on.
On researching I had though I had given them to much (N) as all were showing signs of spots in the older leaves.

I did a flush (PH water no Nutes)I have 15ltr pots and I ran about 20ltrs of water I must not have been thinking because I knew I was meant to do the flush with 3x the pot size.

After a few days they started to pick up, The auto Dark Devil has started to flower pineapple chunks leaves were less crinkled and started to look normal how ever the nutrient burn spots looked worse and kept getting worse.

The burnt leaves continue to have worse spots and the leaves all over are going to a lighter green and all three plants look very droopy.

Not wanting to over water I didn't water them for 4 days and gave them a watering today with PH water only.
My PH in was 6.4 and run off was 8.1

Growth is very slow.

Any one have any ideas?

Light: 400HPS
Light Cycle 18hr on 6hr off
Growing: Soil+Perlite mix Small amout of sand on top to keep Fungus Nats off
Fan: Intake and exhaust


brotes grandes

Active Member
Hi redtoro.
I wonder if its something your unaware your doing to the plants as all 3 are showing some problem,or by pure unlucky fluke you have 3 bad plants. Is there any pics of them mate as it will first give us some kind of ideas to eliminate this n that til you find your problem. It could be a ph problem or bad soil or deficiencies etc etc. I have had plants show weird signs thinking it was one thing but was waaay off so I think if you have pics first that would help alot. Cheers


Hey brotes grandes I have up loaded some photos now. Let me know if you have any problems seeing them.

Also the Claw thing with the Pineapple chunk is a common thing with that line of plan from what Google tells me. I think they might be just sensitive to nutrients possibly.

Also average day temperature is about 26c-30c (79F-86F)


Well-Known Member
Hey brotes grandes I have up loaded some photos now. Let me know if you have any problems seeing them.

Also the Claw thing with the Pineapple chunk is a common thing with that line of plan from what Google tells me. I think they might be just sensitive to nutrients possibly.

Also average day temperature is about 26c-30c (79F-86F)
If a plant is getting the claw you need to cut back on the nitrogen based nutes.


Well-Known Member
My PH in was 6.4 and run off was 8.1 <<<<It looks to me like you answered your own question. PH is way too high if your run off is over 7


nova1992 Flairform- Green Dream : One part plant fertilizer

hornedfrog2000 & propertyoftheUS So I have put in to much (N) at the moment and my PH is off? So I need to lower my PH and go from there?

Also my plants are going more lighter green so should I start them back on some low nutrients with the next feed to level everything out?


Ok update I just checked them this is about 6 hours after watering them PHed water they are getting real bad.

Leaves are very lush and non dry but they all point inwards to the stem badly imagine over watering or something x3

This claw thing is insane. Should I flush but do it better? what should I do? =[

brotes grandes

Active Member
Hold off on the flush and give a few days to dry out.
They look overwatered redtoro. I saw temp but What humidity is it in your grow area,are the plants suffering to low a humidity as sometimes it looks like this aswell?.
Are you using soil nutes a&b?
is there enough perlite in your soil mix and can your pots drain properly after each feed?
is your intake and exhaust fan enough to get rid of the heat the 400s making in grow area and bring in fresh air.
What water do you feed them tap,bottled,filtered?,coz your gonna have to sort out your ph dramas now as it will stunt growth.


Humidity doesn't regester unless it goes over 30%. How ever I have a humidifier and was running it for a while and it didnt regester.

The humidifier is capable of raising a mediam size room over 40-50% humidity and yet even on high it wasnt regestering over 30% in a closet so I stopped using it.

Nutes are a soil all in 1 veg and all in 1 bloom. It worked fine in the past but I have to admit I did use the max recommended.

I do a 40% perlite 60% potting mix mixture and it drains fairly well.

The exhaust fan is pretty good and I have an intake fan as well. So it gets theair around pretty well although I dontopen the windows every day to let I fresh air. But I do sleep in the room thinking that would give the plans enough.

I use tap water that comes out at an even 9ph I then ajust as I have in the past to get it down with vinagigar to around 6.4ph to 6ph if I add nute to water it usially takes the ph down.

I dont think I have taken into account the potting mix and this has overloaded them. I just dont know what my next move is. I should have been ready to flower them this week. No any more I guess.

How long should I dry them out for?

Thanks everyone in advance

brotes grandes

Active Member
Get that humidity up mate mine suffered like yours with anything less then 45% humidity. Let them dry until you can feel the pots lighter to lift and the soil is dry at least 2-3 inches in. I personally don't like the vinegar to ph water thing but people do it,I've just learnt that water is vital to a good grow so I always go bottled or filtered water as its crucial to get it good water. Knock back on the nutes for a few feedings or next time they dry out give them a good flush and start nutes again at a tad less then recommended and work up dosage as they need. Soil mix is ok with perlite and if draining is ok you can rule that out. Just make sure you sort humidity out let them dry out and make sure good airflows around them. See how they are in a few days and if no pick up give a flush.


I 100% agree with brotes grandes 's comment above they look seriously over watered and your ph should be nearer to 6.8 than 6.4 (the fact that run off is 8.1 also shows that your pots needs flushing)
Flush your pots with 1/2 strength nutes and the ph set at 6.8 THEN LET THE POT's DRY at least 50% before attempting to re-water/feed them and go from there.


Active Member
Flush until runoff water is clear. Re-PH your water and give 1/4 strength nutes then leave for 3-4 days, or until the pot is light (little or no water left).


Thanks guys I will act on your advice and hopefully things pick up. I appreciate all your help and will post back in about a few days to a week for an update


Another thought....

I have been misting my plants with an old spray bottle that held conditioning treatment. Of course I washed it out like 10 times but i checked the ph and the smell of the water in the spray bottle and it had a light chemical smell and PH was 8.4. I only used this for misting could this have caused my wrinkle leaves and can it be fixed?


One last thing....

If I have high PH and I am trying to work out the root PH can any one confirm this is how I work it out.

in 6.4ph run off 8.1 - root ph of 7.2? (6.4+8.1+14.5/2=7.2?)

Thanks in advance.


Hey Guys,

I just wanted to say a big thank you for all your help. High PH seemed to be the problem after all of that.