Ph problem big time please help me i have pics of me girls


Hello growers this is my first grow big bang,6 weeks into floering now i have 3 but take pics of two plants.I have been flushing for over a week now started off flushing not a nuff so i have put it up to 5 littres now using ph down.My problem is the ph is not moving i use me ph meter also im growing in soil anyway everytime i flush i check the ph and its coming down the next day today it back up to 7.5 to 8 reall high I really dnt no what im doing wrong please help me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

bud monsta

safe newboydanny to me it looks like your plants are suffering a zinc def,the pale green between the veins is a dead give away.I dont no about your ph issues all i'd say is try a different supplier for your ph down.Try spraying the leaves carefully with some weak nutes wich has zinc in it but be carefull not to get the buds.Good luck with your grow.


Well-Known Member
Hey Danny Welcome to RIU.

OK an easier way to make sure your testing your pH is to collect the first few drops of runoff out of your pots and test this. That will give you a pretty true testing of whats happening in the root zone.

I dont like testing the soil using probes etc. OK for Moisture meters but not guaranteed for pH.

Once you have tested your pH coming out then you make the decision on how you combat it.

IF it is higher or lower than you want it to be i would mix up 3 times your pot size of pH'd water (with no nutes) SO if you are using a 5litre pot then you need 15litres of water. pH this water to 6-6.5 and flush the hell out of your plants. Then mix up a balanced nutrient solution that is pH'd at 6-6.5 and give them a feed after you have flushed.

This should help your situation.



ok cool thankyou well my other problem is i dont no the size of my pots just that ther 13 inchs deep and wide and 12 inchs deep and wide so dont no if 5 littres is a nuff for them could be why the ph isnt going down maybe????

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
sounds like your in a 3gal pot mate i could be wrong but the dimensions sound about right, i'll hold off on my opinions for a few mins because i was gonna ask the same Q as jondamon above?


Well-Known Member
ok cool thankyou well my other problem is i dont no the size of my pots just that ther 13 inchs deep and wide and 12 inchs deep and wide so dont no if 5 littres is a nuff for them could be why the ph isnt going down maybe????
try to keep ph 7 ,to avoid this trace element lockout, from now till harvest.


really trying that mate but not sure how much water to flush one plant that isnt shown here is mashed really bad shape


10 littres i can make up at a time the way i have been feeding is trying to get the ph write in the bucket once i do i put nutes in now that i have read what you wrote im doing it wrong.with the meter you are write it does'nt wark write i put the meter all the way in the ph stays at say 6 when i sart highering it,it goes up?


Well-Known Member
10 littres at a time
10litre at a time is not going to cut it if you are in a 3gallon thats around a 11litre pot meaning you would need 30litres at least.

Is the 10litres allowing for sitting it out for 24hours too? I currently have 46 litre capability of water holding 2x18litre water dispenser bottles and 2x5litre water bottles.

You will need more water! GO out and buy a water container large enough approx 30 litres. Or if you have an old waste bin around your home clean it bleach it and fill it with water!

SO to recap you are going to need approx 30litres of water. pH the water down to 6-6.5 and run the whole lot through the plant and then straight after give it a feed so that it has some nutes back in the medium.



Well-Known Member
This is the order to which you should be doing things

1 mix your nutes into your water
2 test the pH
3 Correct the pH
4 Allow nutrient solution to stand for 30mins to 1hour
5 Test pH and correct.



wow thats a lot of water how much should feed them after using ionic bloom and boost i put 70ml of bloom to evry 10 littres of water and 1 ml of boost to 10 do i have that or full strength nutes


Active Member
Hey Dan, are you using something like that to measure soils pH? Because I did, it showed around 7 most of the time but my plants suffered. Thinking my soil was alkaline i was pumping acidic water with every watering and my plants were only getting worse - until i checked the runoff pH - it was around 4!! Only later on I found out that, like jondamon already said, those probes are ok for moisture but with pH its a lottery depending on type of soil you have(it worked pretty well for a friend of mine, didnt work for me). Good luck!


ok brill im just putting nutes in and then ph then feed but when iu feed with a one littre bucket the ph has gone lower or higher in my one littre bucket i dont under stand that to


guys i have to shoot off for now but will be back soon i will reply to you and guy and thank you very much for your help i appreciate all your help you are giving me.bud monsta sorry mate the tester you have brought like mine is shit or might be ok cuz u are grwoing in coco thanks guys talk soon


Well-Known Member
You maybe better off just using your IONIC grow with the BOOST as it has more N in it for the plants to be happier.

I used to use IONIC but didnt like how yellow my plant became during flowering so i switched to canna coco a and b


bud monsta

still waiting for it to arrive aswell lol.does anybody no were i can get a decent ph tester from and how much?im using the red indicater liquid in the test tube and i dont think its very accurate.thanks