Ph problem big time please help me i have pics of me girls


Well-Known Member
still waiting for it to arrive aswell lol.does anybody no were i can get a decent ph tester from and how much?im using the red indicater liquid in the test tube and i dont think its very accurate.thanks
Get a digital.

Much more accurate and calibrate it once a week!


W Dragon

Well-Known Member
i'd do as jondamon said above mate with the exception of adding the chem ferts i'd ad a little piss to the water so as to make sure there's nutes there, also i think your gonna cause probs mixing up 1 litre at a time mate ph down seems to be a funny thing and the less you can get away with adding the better. a cheap alternative would be a standard bucket 3gal you can usually pick them up for a pound or 2 when i was buying them to turn into pots i was paying a pound each for them in bnq and asda also plastic storage boxes can be picked up for a couple of quid but i don't know how much liquid they hold so without working it out measuring your nutes will be tricky

bud monsta

ok thanks wen use the ph down i mix it with ten litres of water in a bucket then scoop out a litre and add nutes and gnat much for a digital ph tester???safe


ok cool thanks guys i will have to look for a bucket tomoz,im putting the flush on hold for the min till me new ph tester kit arrives dont want to stress them out even more like they are now.Now that the tester isnt working i dont no what the ph is


what a long period flushing my girls,just done 10 littres on the one now on the second 10 littres.just of 15 littres on my other still have one plant to do done i have flushed these to.Just hope they are ok and ent locked up :-(.