pH problem!


Active Member
So today I changed the lighting to 12/12 and did the usual weekly change of water. When I adjust the pH after adding all the nutes to the 60 gallon reservoir (hydroponics setup). Usually when I adjust i just have to bring the pH level from around 7.5 to 6.0 so I slowly add pH down till after about 20 minutes my pH meter says 6.0. When I went to check up on it after about 2 hours the pH dropped down to 3.3!! This also happened last week when I changed the water and I ended up having to add about 18ml of pH up to get it back to 6.0. Any idea whats going on?


Well-Known Member
If you are using tap water then that could be causing the weird changes. Also, I believe the nutrients have ph buffers in them that seem to take awhile to kick in. I'd reccommend just waiting a little bit longer after adding the nutes to adjust ph.

It seems to me that ph fluxuates the most right after you've mixed everything up. Since I switched to using RO water I hardly ever have to adjust the ph, the nutes do it for me. The ph stays a lot more consistent too. The RO filter I bought cost about $200 and was pretty easy to install next to the faucet it my kitchen sink. It was worth every penny because now both my plants and I get to drink really pure water.


Active Member
Do you think I should add a bunch of pH up again for this time? or do you think that will mess with the ppm to much?


Well-Known Member
You should be fine just adding it. I've only had to use a little ph up once and didn't notice anything. It's a tiny quantity compared to how much nutrients and other stuff that's in the water. I don't know how if there are harmful effects of putting too much ph balance stuff in you're water though. Can anyone tell both both of us about that?


Active Member
what size tank? i add 5ml to a 70ltr tank which drops it .5. add little, stir very well. check 10 mins minimum later


Well-Known Member
ouch!!! carefull with that ph up or down... what nutes are you using?
if they do have buffers then you will get wierd readings but this is normal, and you should not do anything once you set it once..(b4 you add nutes)


Active Member
ouch!!! carefull with that ph up or down... what nutes are you using?
if they do have buffers then you will get wierd readings but this is normal, and you should not do anything once you set it once..(b4 you add nutes)
Using Sensibloom A+B thats all.


Well-Known Member
ok great sensibloom does have buffers in it so what you do is set your ph to 5.5 once, then add your nutes and throw your wand back in the drawer until next water change.. if you add ph up or down after you add nutes you will hurt your girls.. i promise...

good luck with that, but if you ever need more help just pm me and i will be glad to help..


Active Member
hmm..anyone ever try the little tablets for fish tank aquariums? its supose to hold the PH at a certain lvl for like a week. idk just a thought.


Active Member
ok great sensibloom does have buffers in it so what you do is set your ph to 5.5 once, then add your nutes and throw your wand back in the drawer until next water change.. if you add ph up or down after you add nutes you will hurt your girls.. i promise...

good luck with that, but if you ever need more help just pm me and i will be glad to help..
Alright sounds good I'll try that. I don't know why I was always told to adjust the pH last... What do you think I should do with this weeks supply? Should I empty the tanks and do it over again or just add a bunch of pH up?


Well-Known Member
i dont know why some people add ph up or down after nutes its all bad with any nutes with buffers.. if its time for a water change then just follow my previous advise bro you will be fine.. also be sure to let water set overnight so chlorine evaporats