Ph Problems


Active Member
right basically im living in a major city and the tap water here is high 7 almost 8 from what i can tell form tests i have done. i was just wondering as i dont have lot of money to invest into stuff to measure ph properly and lower it could i just buy bottled water and use that and would be ok?
I have found some bottled water which at the source of bottling is ph 6.1 ... do you think this will be ok to water my plants with? its cheap and its easier than messing around with stuff i dont fully understand. I am growing in soil atm and have just done a flush with this water, i hope it sorts my problem out!
Do you think that this is be alright to use or is it worth investing on some proper equipment to do the job?


Well-Known Member
It will work just fine, but it's more economical and practical in the long run to get an RO filter installed.


Active Member
i wil end up buying the test kit but its more expensive in the uk. the cheapest ones i have found are about £20 thats POUNDS not dollars. but as im just growing acouple of plants i will use the bottled water for a bit as its only 40p for 2 liters. As a student i dont have much money as it is. Im not going to buy a RO filter as im just not growing enough to even think about buying one.

Metal n Weed

Active Member
You can buy a test kit like like devil spawn said or you can just get a cheap ph meter, I mean I think they are only 30 bucks. I wouldn't just trust the water source every time.
But hey I didn't check my ph for the first year of me growing so it can be done.


Active Member
i checked on my ph because i was looking at grow diaries of the same plants and mine are way behind what other peoples are, also im growing a lowryder and it hasn't shown sex and its been about 4 week now. I know something is wrong and i figured out it must be my ph, i bought some litmus papers and tried out them on my tap water and it was showing it was around 8.
so at least at the moment i have flushed using this water with ph 6.1, so hopefully things will get better.
if anyone is interested it is called Deeside Still natural mineral water.


Well-Known Member
Lemon Juice brings PH down...I never use it, but my friend has. Caause PH down is cheap here in states. Just a suggestion u could research on internet.Peace & happy growing.:peace:


Active Member
the thing is as im in the uk prices for stuff like ph kits and ph down is the same for you put is in pounds instead, so we kinda get screwed over. but hey, im just being cheap as i dont have loads of money.