Ph Question?


Well-Known Member
So i got a pallet of A1 Super Soil and my Ph turned out to be 8.25 for thhe soil so my ? is? Can I use Dolomite lime powder mixed with water to bring the soil back to ph 7?


Well-Known Member
I would say yes.

But first, what did you use to measure the pH? Hope it wasn't one of those 'soil meters' with the 2 prongs you stick in the dirt.



you could do that, try to get your soil to back 6.8.

if you have Dolomite - next time have your mix ready 2-3 weeks before planting. mix your soil very well with Dolomite and any wormcating/perlite/compost that you use and let it sit seald for 2 -3 weeks, open and stir once in a week and your mix will be very stable with the dolomite when you plant. it should buffer itself easily with the dolomite alreay mixed and broke down with your soil.


Well-Known Member
Something tells me even if you put dolomite in later on its gonna creep back up. Do you know how long its been cooking? Guess just keep an eye on it all you can do.


Ursus marijanus
Dolomite generally keeps the pH from going sour. My hunch is that with a bit of use your pH will normalize, and the dolomite will act as a "doorstop". cn