PH Question


Hi i phd my water to 6.5 before water my plants, i checked the soil ph runoff and it was around 5-5.5 is this normal if not how can i fix this? water was left of for 24hours and 6.5 before applying. thanks


Well-Known Member
As long as you are checking (if you are worried about it) the PH of water/ feed going in and it is OK, and not seeing any problems, I see no reason to stress about anything.
I PH'ed my water once, figured out what it was, and what it changes to after nutes, and haven't checked in over 9 months.


well my plants all have some small yellow and brownish markings on them from what i think was nute burn from a previous feeding, im trying to get them back green before i give them a veg tea, could the soil be messed up from the nutes i added before? what about adding some dolomite lime?


shouldn't the ph runoff be around 6.5? i just want to clear this up, if im adding water that is 6.5 and coming out 5.5 wouldn't be better to water at 7.5 and the runoff to be 6.5? correct me if im wrong just trying to learn. thanks


Well-Known Member
shouldn't the ph runoff be around 6.5? i just want to clear this up, if im adding water that is 6.5 and coming out 5.5 wouldn't be better to water at 7.5 and the runoff to be 6.5? correct me if im wrong just trying to learn. thanks
Honest question man, but how about some pics?
A couple yellow spots I would GUESS might be Ca/ Mg related, but pics would help a lot.
Here's a couple charts you can save for future reference, that will help.
View attachment 2625924PHRANGECHART_zpsddd4a5c5.gif


Well-Known Member
You should add a little garden lime to your soil to help keep it neutral. In the meantime you can raise the ph of you water to compensate for the difference, like 6.6 =5.6, 6.7 = 5.7, etc. Get it around 6.0 and your good. Peace


Active Member
The problem with testing runoff:

The soil is a random variable. You have the plant sucking in nutrients and water at different rates which changes the PH. You have microbial activity, 100s of different soil mixes, and many other factors.

Imo. PH the stuff going in and ignore the runoff.

And Btw, Soiless mixes, such as pro-mix and sunshine #4, are actually a pseudo hydro medium and should be PH'd lower than soil. I like to PH my nutes 6.0-6.2 in soiless. If not, you will limit the Phosphorus available in flower.


2 different opions it seems with this subject, i guess maybe ill just raise the ph .5 next wattering to get that runoff around 6 kindain between what everyone is saying? And i always wanted to know when you say its a calmg issue is there a product that you can buy to fix this? Or would it be better to water with no nutes untill it turns back green?


Well-Known Member
Great questions. I want to hear more about this. I am always so worried about what my ph is going in. FF OF said its ph is at 6.3ish so I try to stay in that range with my waterings.

Springs smoker

Active Member
You will never get the "right" answer. No two people grow exactly the same I would believe,so everyone is going to have the own thoughts on topic. If your plants look good then I would say our doing the right thing, if not then change it up. Sooner or later you will figure out what you like with your equipment.


Well-Known Member
Get some Hydrated Lime. That will level your soil PH to about 7. Good luck!
agreed.. i dont check ph anymore.... a little dolomite lime and you have green lushes plants, as long as you got everything else locked in.


Well-Known Member
you need to measure the pH of your soil NOT the runoff.

the pH of your soil NOT the runoff.
the pH of your soil NOT the runoff.
the pH of your soil NOT the runoff.

otherwise your just guessing