PH reads 4ish best/fastest fix? Top dress? Hydrated or Dolomite?


Active Member
A couple of my leaves are drooping a little. Nothing major. A couple more look crispy and yellow in isolated areas. I checked the PH last night and the needle is on the high side of 4. My soil consists of CA Super Soil, Perlite and Verm. Which lime should I use to correct this? I have read that hydrated lime can be very toxic to the plants however fixes the problem the fastest. Or should I go with dolomite and top dress? How does top dressing affect possible root damage from digging in there? I use Jack's Classic 20-20-20 every third watering.

Thanks peeps. :peace:


Active Member
Ok I checked again and the soil ph is around 5.2. I used a strip to test the water and it is around 7. Is this possible?


Well-Known Member
looking into this today myself. i water with a pH of 6.5 on average, but my runoff is coming out around 5, and i think iam already starting to see signs of lockout. looking into getting some lime today, but would also like to hear about different types.


Active Member
Well I found the problem. I read the wrong directions for my nutes. Overnuting the pooh out of them. Flushing tonight.