PH too high in my soil Ideas anyone to lower it.


So my ph in my soil has gone up to around 7.3 range. What would you suggest to lower it? Should I flush the soil cause I think I have a nute lock. My tap water has gone up to around the 7 range it used to be around the 6.3 range before winter. I bought some ph down from my local pet store is this safe to use?the leaves are starting to yellow and die around the middle of the plant. this is the first time this has happened to me. WTF over?

Silky Shagsalot

Well-Known Member
So my ph in my soil has gone up to around 7.3 range. What would you suggest to lower it? Should I flush the soil cause I think I have a nute lock. My tap water has gone up to around the 7 range it used to be around the 6.3 range before winter. I bought some ph down from my local pet store is this safe to use?the leaves are starting to yellow and die around the middle of the plant. this is the first time this has happened to me. WTF over?
you should be ph'ing everything you put in/on the plant. so after you mix your nutes, you should ph the mix. when you water between feedings, you should ph the water. if you foliar feed, ph that too. when you water/feed, make sure you get some run-off, this will help wash out built-up nutes in the medium. you will probably hear some come here and tell you to flush with an incorrect ph for your medium to compensate for the difference you're experiencing. don't do it! "always" ph to your mediums prescribed levels. chasing ph is a very difficult thing to do...


Well-Known Member
What is the chemical in the pH down? A pH of 7.3 isn't going to do too much to your plants by itself. Are you letting the soil completely dry out before watering again (as in the pot goes light before watering)?


Well-Known Member
where are u at in ur grow...flower? veg? sometimes at the end of my grow a few of my plants have gotten to like a 7.5-7.6 with no problems (visiible to my eye at least) and i heard Uncle ben talking about ph not being a big deal (he's a og on this site) unless its waaayyyy out of wack like a 8.0 and from my experience i somewhat agree with him


Im 4 weeks in flowering. And I let it dryout pretty good but not to the point of stressing my kids.. Like I said this the firs time this has happened in a bunch of grows Im stressed more than my kids.
. Thanks yall for your help..


Well-Known Member
So my ph in my soil has gone up to around 7.3 range. What would you suggest to lower it? Should I flush the soil cause I think I have a nute lock. My tap water has gone up to around the 7 range it used to be around the 6.3 range before winter. I bought some ph down from my local pet store is this safe to use?the leaves are starting to yellow and die around the middle of the plant. this is the first time this has happened to me. WTF over?
I cant believe no one brought up Dolomite Lime?

What you wanna do is go out and get yourself some finely granulated dolomite lime.

Add about a cup to your soil.

Carefully mix it in, and your ph will be stable all the way til ya harvest.

Simple as that.

Good luck man :)