PH up/down


Is the ph up/down suitable for adjusting soil ph?

Or would i be better off getting ph up/down from a hydro store?

Same thing?



another question: I'm growing in soil...using 2 parts schultz potting soil 1 part vermiculte 1 part perlite and a bit of dolomite lime...the dolomite lime is supposed to balance the ph of the soil if i've read everything right. Does this mean that when i mix up nutes and water that i don't need to PH balance the nute mix before i feed it to them? I'm assuming its better to ph balance it first then feed it to them.

Bob Smith

Well-Known Member
Is the ph up/down suitable for adjusting soil ph?

Or would i be better off getting ph up/down from a hydro store?

Same thing?

Yes, it's suitable - not as strong as hydro pH up/down, but it works.

You know you need to pH the water before adding it into the soil, right?

You can't just add that stuff to the soil..........sorry if that sounds moronic, just can't tell from your post if you know that or not.

Bob Smith

Well-Known Member
another question: I'm growing in soil...using 2 parts schultz potting soil 1 part vermiculte 1 part perlite and a bit of dolomite lime...the dolomite lime is supposed to balance the ph of the soil if i've read everything right. Does this mean that when i mix up nutes and water that i don't need to PH balance the nute mix before i feed it to them? I'm assuming its better to ph balance it first then feed it to them.
Yes, you need to pH before you feed them.

Mr.Therapy Man

Well-Known Member
You need to get you a cheap ph kit and test your ph when your nutes are mixed.Your shooting for 6.5 and if your water is fucked up you need to ph balance it too.Fuck your soil ph, just check your nutes that your useing.I use fox farm OF and ph balance my nutes and ph is never an issue.Ive seen people not ph balance their nutes and it makes for sickly looking plants................peace