pH up question


Well-Known Member
ok my soil is too acidic at the moment. i only got pH down and when i add my nutes i need it up...

my question is...if i add dolomite lime to the water will it balance it out closer to 7??

if not is there any good ways to keep pH up?? other then pH up i got no extra cash till next week.
baking soda in the water worked wonders for me. if you have some dolomite lime, use that as a top dressing on the soil as well to stabilize the ph of your dirt.


Well-Known Member
baking soda in the water worked wonders for me. if you have some dolomite lime, use that as a top dressing on the soil as well to stabilize the ph of your dirt.
i heard baking soda causes salt buildups. i did add dolomite lime into soil + as top dressing today when i saw it wasnt working to well (i think i didnt mix enough in)...

but would dolomite in water work to stabilize ph of water???

if it wont my last resort is baking soda.

EDIT: how much do you add per 2L of water (1/2 gallon) to lets say get pH from 6 to 7? so to raise a point? ...baking soda that is...
for a one gallon jug of distilled I take just a tip of a teaspoon of baking soda and add it. the tiniest amount goes a looooooong way.


Well-Known Member
Yes as long as you use one of the more water soluble varieties. Lime is often added to fertilizer teas to raise the Ph.
perfect!!! thanks bro +rep

i think mine is water soluble. I threw a few pellets in (its granulated) to the water today just to see if it would dissolve and literally in a minute it was dissolved. just had to shake it around to dispurse it evenly.