PH up? Sodium Carbonate?


Active Member
Washing soda, sodium carbonate, is an alkaline with a pH of 11, and while it doesn't give off harmful fumes, you do need to wear gloves. It is found in the laundry section of most supermarkets. Arm & Hammer is one brand; Shop and Save has a generic house brand. It is also known as Soda Ash. You can also buy it from swimming pool supply stores; a popular brand is pH up. This is not the same thing as baking soda, also known as sodium bicarbonate. Though similar, sodium carbonate is a much stronger base. Moderation in all things! Adjust your water to determine how much you need for your reaction. My city water 1 aspirin to a gallon lowers ph .6.Experiment so you do not burn your plants!


Active Member
yeah. this is just a sub until i can get a hold of some real ph up. Its called PH up but its for pool water. just wondering how long i can use it untill i have to get the real stuff