Ph waay to high!!


Active Member
Hey everyone!

Right the issue I'm currently having is everything was going smoothly I have been growing from seed outside in the UK and all of a sudden about 2 weeks ago they simply stopped growing!

I have just gone and tested the PH levels of the soil and it was sky high! 7.5. Now what has brought about this issue is I think I have been over feeding them! I'm used to doing indoor grows where they are guaranteed to dry out each and everyday and so I will feed them each and everyday! However I have been feeding them each and everyday while outside and they were not totally dry, therefore I think I have over done it!

They are planted in coco soil and in 50 litre pots, nice and big with plenty of room!

What I have decided to do to counter this is buy some vinegar get the PH of 10 litres of water to 6 - 6.5 by using the vinegar and douse them in this. I'm hoping that this will effectively counteract the problem and bring down the PH in the plants.

What do you all think? and help and advise would be great!!

Thanks in advance guys!


Active Member

Here are some pics for you to view, As you can see the big one is having the time of its life!! BUT I was given that when it was already nice and established! The other 3 have been stumped and now the new leafes are burning at the ends??

Help and advice would be great!!!

Thanks guys


Active Member
growing next to a tomato plant, huh? try tying some fake flowers to your cannabis plant to disguise one will notice until they inspect it up close...helps with nosy neighbors...


Well-Known Member
dont feed them every time they need water. nutes get built up in the dirt. cycle it.

feed -> water -> feed -> water etc.


Active Member
I think once you leach and correct PH your problem will be solved. I am unsure how to reduce the ph in a soil grow. Im a hydro guy. Good luck to you.