PH way too high, plants are yellow, what now?

I tested my ph last month with some strips and although it was hard to tell exactly it seemed to be between 6 and 7.

Now i bought some drops and my water from the tap is at least 8.5....water i have in jugs from the tap a week ago is the same.

So assuming thats why my plants are yellowing what should i do now? I flushed 10 days ago because i though it was a nutrient problem ....and i just watered them yesterday.

Should i flush again? Wouldnt that be risking root rot? Are the plants even going to be able to recover at all?

I have 3 that are around 6 inches tall and 3 that are around 12 inches tall. I could transplant them into new dirt.......?

Id really like to save these plants if possible. Please help!

Piece of shit ph testing strips screwed me.
I tested my ph last month with some strips and although it was hard to tell exactly it seemed to be between 6 and 7.

Now i bought some drops and my water from the tap is at least 8.5....water i have in jugs from the tap a week ago is the same.

So assuming thats why my plants are yellowing what should i do now? I flushed 10 days ago because i though it was a nutrient problem ....and i just watered them yesterday.

Should i flush again? Wouldnt that be risking root rot? Are the plants even going to be able to recover at all?

I have 3 that are around 6 inches tall and 3 that are around 12 inches tall. I could transplant them into new dirt.......?

Id really like to save these plants if possible. Please help!

Piece of shit ph testing strips screwed me.
Help! Im screwed right?


Well-Known Member
no telling wuts wrong unless we can see some pics, ph problems show up later in the game, yellow leaves could mean a few things. How often are you watering them? I don't grow dirt but in my past yellow leaves means nitrogen problems, unless cirlces of dead leaf are forming then its to much nutes. In soil i belive a ph of 7 is fine...


Well-Known Member
what is the ph of the soil or the run off from the soil?
stop using that water, try some rain water or buy some water.


Well-Known Member
yeah i agree i start using purified water..bottled water until u can get a digital meter..and start storing and monitering /adjusting large containiers of ur tap..
yeah i agree i start using purified water..bottled water until u can get a digital meter..and start storing and monitering /adjusting large containiers of ur tap..
Well i have the drops now, so from now on after i add the nutrients illl test and lower the ph if need be.

What im asking now is if i do that they will recover? I cant test the runoff with the drops can i? Even if i can they wont need to be watered again for probably close to a week.

Do you think i should transplant them into different dirt?