Phlizon FD-8 dimmer


Well-Known Member
I picked up an open box Phlizon FD-8I on ebay a couple weeks ago. It's definitely much more of a consistent beam spread than my quantum boards which was expected.

What I don't understand is why there is a minimal (were talking 10-15ppfd, like 1 DLI over 20 hours) difference in light intensity between the dimmer at full and 60%. The dimmer curve is then super wonky from 60%-0 (think 100% crammed into 60%'s space.)

Did I buy a faulty unit? There's no warranty from the mfg on third party sales. I don't necessarily need the full dimming curve, I just want to make sure that this is somewhat normal operation for the equipment.


Well-Known Member
Have you actually tested the wattage used between 60-100%?

That would tell you the actual difference


Well-Known Member
So it was almost exactly what I thought.

634w from 100%-60%
40% ~400w

It begins to dim at 60%. Weird hardware indeed but hey, it works!
It shouldn't do that, it should be linear. I wonder if there's an audio taper/logarithmic pot in there rather than linear.


Well-Known Member
I got the fd6500 recently and it's the same. Doesn't really bother me too much. I just raise or lower it or my plants as needed. It is a big and heavy though. I'm doing my first run with it and it seems to be pretty decent so far. I really want to run the same variety a couple of times vs the hps. Here's some bubba kush x puck bc2. I'm just getting into leds and so far in impressed with them.



Well-Known Member
I got the fd6500 recently and it's the same. Doesn't really bother me too much. I just raise or lower it or my plants as needed. It is a big and heavy though. I'm doing my first run with it and it seems to be pretty decent so far. I really want to run the same variety a couple of times vs the hps. Here's some bubba kush x puck bc2. I'm just getting into leds and so far in impressed with them.
Good to know. This is the slightly older model, so I'm glad that there is at least some consistency to the wonky curve.

I switched from 3 quantum boards plus some 100w side lights to this on one side plus a 500w qb, a 240w qb and a 100w side light in a 4x8.

Haven't run a fill cycle with it yet, we shall see the results. I am liking how consistent the beam is across the whole spread as well as the fact that from roughly 12"-18" or so there is only couple hundred ppfd difference.


Well-Known Member
Good to know. This is the slightly older model, so I'm glad that there is at least some consistency to the wonky curve.

I switched from 3 quantum boards plus some 100w side lights to this on one side plus a 500w qb, a 240w qb and a 100w side light in a 4x8.

Haven't run a fill cycle with it yet, we shall see the results. I am liking how consistent the beam is across the whole spread as well as the fact that from roughly 12"-18" or so there is only couple hundred ppfd difference.
What's your thoughts on your purchase now?