Phoenix friend

thats what i told you man you didnt read my post? and none of them sell clones anyway

Sorry we were in multiple threads knocking down doors trying to get him medicine and we missed that post.... you are totally right. It is weird that the they say there is "reciprocation" but I guess that just means a NM card holder won't be prosecuted?

I wrote the author of this article on reciprocation and asked him to clarify what reciprocation is. It looks like southern Colorado / Durango is closes place to NM to get clones, thankfully !

Somebody in the New mexico forum found a dispo with AC/DC buds at least. :) Still looking for the cut and I heard it is available to get in CO.
Sorry we were in multiple threads knocking down doors trying to get him medicine and we missed that post.... you are totally right. It is weird that the they say there is "reciprocation" but I guess that just means a NM card holder won't be prosecuted?

I wrote the author of this article on reciprocation and asked him to clarify what reciprocation is. It looks like southern Colorado / Durango is closes place to NM to get clones, thankfully !

Somebody in the New mexico forum found a dispo with AC/DC buds at least. :) Still looking for the cut and I heard it is available to get in CO.

ya its wierd you can get bud from a collective type place but not the state dispensaries.
im telling you guys there are some legit cbd breeders out there seeds arent that hard to start just take a little extra time and you know what your getting.
@strate5ativa sorry I misread your post about it. Yeah it is crap, I am going to ask someone that lives in AZ if I can use their address to apply for a card their so I am not limited the access to the strains I need.
acdc.png weedblog.png

Yes @strate5ativa I meant to say NM card. We called every dispensary in AZ, they won't sell flowers to NM cardholders because they "have no way of tracking in their system how much the patient is buying". We event talked to disp owners who said there was no way. I missed the post from @YThor about registering with the state. The dispensary owners never mentioned anything about signing up with the state of AZ, weird. I will look into that!!!

So basically the reciprocity agreement AZ could be:

- people with Out of state Mmj cards won't be prosecuted;
- maybe it means that it's only reciprocal with collectives;
- maybe it is only reciprocal if NM patients get in the AZ state system like ythor said! :confused:

I emailed several bloggers who were putting out this "reciprocity" information and asked them to clarify it because right now it's really unclear about the reciprocal agreements. And lot of people are going to be traveling as the "CBD Phenom" grows.

Str8Sativa, Thanks for those links it's really appreciated. The issue is that Jac has severe PTSD and even a very small amount of thc will cause panic attacks. All the seeds like cannatonic, harlequin, cbdcrew, andCharlottes Web grow phenotypes with 5% to 20% THC. :(

Jac finally found a dispensary in NM that has 6% CBD and 0% THC, and finally felt normal for the first time in a long time! Thanks for your caring and advice we made good progress. :)

The kids with epilepsy need constant dosing, and there is not enough CBD for their medical demands, there is waiting lists of 200k Americans waiting. That is why we are searching so hard for the AC/DC clone- it's 27% CBD, it can be realistically be grown indoors by their parents and yield enough CBD for their kids... No more suffering. As you can see, the clone grows like hemp and yields very little per plant, that is why the 27% CBD clone is so critical to find and share. Here is a photo of the 27% CBD ACDC clone, not a lot of bud on it. That is why the 27% cut is crucial. Thx a million for your help.

cannatonic ac dc.jpg
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Yes @strate5ativa I meant to say NM card. We called every dispensary in AZ, they won't sell flowers to NM cardholders because they "have no way of tracking in their system how much the patient is buying". We event talked to disp owners who said there was no way. I missed the post from @YThor about registering with the state. The dispensary owners never mentioned anything about signing up with the state of AZ, weird. I will look into that!!!

So basically the reciprocity agreement AZ could be:

- people with Out of state Mmj cards won't be prosecuted;
- maybe it means that it's only reciprocal with collectives;
- maybe it is only reciprocal if NM patients get in the AZ state system like ythor said! :confused:

I emailed several bloggers who were putting out this "reciprocity" information and asked them to clarify it because right now it's really unclear about the reciprocal agreements. And lot of people are going to be traveling as the "CBD Phenom" grows.

Str8Sativa, Thanks for those links it's really appreciated. The issue is that Jac has severe PTSD and even a very small amount of thc will cause panic attacks. All the seeds like cannatonic, harlequin, cbdcrew, andCharlottes Web grow phenotypes with 5% to 20% THC. :(

Jac finally found a dispensary in NM that has 6% CBD and 0% THC, and finally felt normal for the first time in a long time! Thanks for your caring and advice we made good progress. :)

The kids with epilepsy need constant dosing, and there is not enough CBD for their medical demands, there is waiting lists of 200k Americans waiting. That is why we are searching so hard for the AC/DC clone- it's 27% CBD, it can be realistically be grown indoors by their parents and yield enough CBD for their kids... No more suffering. As you can see, the clone grows like hemp and yields very little per plant, that is why the 27% CBD clone is so critical to find and share. Here is a photo of the 27% CBD ACDC clone, not a lot of bud on it. That is why the 27% cut is crucial. Thx a million for your help.

View attachment 3349699
gotcha good luck on the search. and the dispensary owners dont want to tell you that you can go to a collective type place because they are the competition along with other patients and caregivers providing meds for people.

you wont be charged in az for anything your card is good here. as long as you dont get caught with a bunch of weed
Always glad to hear stories like that. Normal? So easy to take for granted. What an amazing plant and story.

Have you guys looked into the whole ayahausca phenomenon? I had a friend who was struggling badly with drug and alcohol abuse. Started to travel to South America with his girlfriend who wanted him to go to one of these. Anyway long story short he's studying to become a doctor and almost done now. Previously was working a nowhere job doing blow and drinking constantly.

He went to more than one in his travels. I'm not sure how much he acredits to it, but it is fascinating.

The whole 'take it head on' approach. Psychedelics have shown the ability to rewire brains though. So I'm sure there's a reason for it.
I have experimented with dmt and I will say it was one of the most amazing feelings i ever had, I felt like I went to another dimension, and that was in the first 5 minutes, the 2nd 5 minutes because it only lasts 10 minutes, the 2nd 5 minutes i felt a cleanse of my body and the ease of all anxiety and stress and if I had any addictions it would definitely have helped. I did alot of research on dmt before trying it, you can watch the documentary on netflix called dmt a spirit molecule or joe rogan and jim carrey boosting about it on youtube. the research alone makes you want to try it.
Crazy bro. I am so scared to ever try hallucinogens. I think that I would have a bad try and that is my anxiety talking.
I have experimented with dmt and I will say it was one of the most amazing feelings i ever had, I felt like I went to another dimension, and that was in the first 5 minutes, the 2nd 5 minutes because it only lasts 10 minutes, the 2nd 5 minutes i felt a cleanse of my body and the ease of all anxiety and stress and if I had any addictions it would definitely have helped. I did alot of research on dmt before trying it, you can watch the documentary on netflix called dmt a spirit molecule or joe rogan and jim carrey boosting about it on youtube. the research alone makes you want to try it.

There has been a lot of anecdotal success stories with PTSD sufferers too. Hallucinogens can rewire your brain. The actual experience itself can be rather intense, but folks report the after effects to be very positive regardless of the experience itself. Always do with a guide who is sober and experienced.
I did alot of research on dmt before ever trying it.. I have yet to find anyone ever having a bad trip on it, other then some youtube kids.. that i think were smoking salvia and not dmt.
I did dmt almost 2 years ago now, and I did it almost every day for a month... It was after heart surgery and I couldnt stop my anxiety so at the time i was willing to try anything.. After trying it, I felt like DMT was the best way for anyone to get over anxiety, it makes you feel at peace with the planet.. Refer to Jim careys youtube video about peace with the planet. I wanted everone I knew that had anxiety to try it.. A few did.. Not everyone had the same "trip" i did, but they are all very similar. I had some pretty interesting trips, that I rememeber very vividly
What kind of trips? Its kind of crazy for me i want to let go of things that have gone on in the past but when i cant let go my ptsd which triggers my rage. Then i have put some much energy into being mad and stressed i get anxiety attacks.
for me, I saw alot of colorful shapes and designs in the beginning, Like a different dimension.. Ive done shrooms many times, its not like it at all... visually.. physically its like the peak of mushrooms though, the 2nd half of the 10 minutes trip, is like a come down from mushrooms, very refreshing, relaxing, you feel as if the monkey is off your back and a load off your shoulders... thats the best I can explain it from all the times i did it... I havent done it in over 2 years, and i probably wont ever see it again, its not that easy to find or make.. in the video you can watch on netflix called DMT the spirit molecule, it shows a study, where they took people with addictions and induced them with dmt, but, I dont think i would have had the good trips if I did it the way they did, they were in a bright room with doctors all around them and it was intense... when i did it, i did it to mostly darkness, with music playing off the xbox, with xbox graphics playing in the background to the music.. mostly korn music i played... trip usually lasts 3-4 songs.