Phoenix friend

Wow! that fast? I was thinking like hours type of high. I am going to research this. Do you suffer from ptsd? Did it do anything for the ptsd after the dmt? How long did the relaxing affect feel after? I want to try other things such as this but scared. I know you mentioned it is supervised, I am wondering if this is something my doctor can help me out withh.
The medical "test" was supervised but not all the times I personally did it.. I have PTSD from heart surgery. and at the time, I was feeling anxiety for the first time in my life, all I could think was that it was my heart.. The docs put me on some serious anti anxiety meds, they told me i cannot stop taking no matter what, I used DMT to ween myself off the anxiety meds.. It stil took a year after that before all my anxiety was mostly gone..
After the trip, which is the first 5 minutes, the 2nd 5 minutes is the come down and the spiritual feelings of bless and of safety etc... After that 5 minutes is over there 0 residual left, you have no side effects whats so ever. The only side effect is you cant do it again for atleast an hour, or it wont be the same intensity.. Dmt is already in our body, and it all plants.. basically anything living, has DMT in it.. basically by smoking it, you are giving your body an extreme amount... Now when you get into a bad accident, or lose an arm etc.. your body instantly pumps dmt into your brain to help with your Fight or Flight system, to help ease the situation, this drug made me realize what people see when they say "ive seen the light" Well that was just dmt in their brain and as vivid as it is, if youve never done psychodelics, you wouldnt think it was dmt that made you see the light.
For me, it was in a dark room, environment controlled, no noise other then Korn playing on the xbox, which is playing microsoft graphics on my 73" TV screen as visuals, But basically, it makes you dream while you are awake.. its pretty wild. there is no way out of it, youre basically dreaming but you are able to tell your body is still functioning.
Crazy. Have you had any experiences with MDMA? From what i have been reading it seems it is a promising drug for PTSD.
in my younger years I tried mdma, i wouldnt recomend it for ptsd at all.. now adays its usually cut with speed or coke, but back then it was pretty pure at raves and stuff.. Im pretty much done experimenting with any kind of drugs.