

Well-Known Member
theoretically how bigtime would someone have to be to be worried about their lines being tapped or people talkin on their phone? is it true that there are key words that trigger it? anything?:neutral: a friend of mine was wondrin


Well-Known Member
what is the process on the other side, how could they and when would they listen?


Well-Known Member
the process is simple. they get someone to flip on a house. a tip isn't enough for a search warrant, but with some surveillance they can easily obtain a warrant to tap the phone.

they locate where you're phone line is and they install a transmitter, which sends the signal to a truck, or a house near-by.... then they sit back and listen, and record every thing, every call, to where, by whom, and write every thing down....

the tell-tale sign is if you saw some people working on the utilities the last few days.... dropped calls, some static, interruptions, that sort of thing is possible....

get a pre-paid phone at walmart.... those are much more difficult to trace, and it's a practical impossibility to get them tapped. unless you're a special agent with the CIA or some shit.... but not with local law enforcement resources.....