Photo of room


Active Member
Finally scaned a photo of the room, does anyone on here have close 22 600 watt HPS or close to it?

My power bill tends to be a bit larger then when I had a few CFL's in my closet?

Any larger indoor growers in here?

Sorry about the pic, I suck at scaning.




Well-Known Member
Dunno about that one buddy.... put your name on a sign in the grow room and then take a pic... then I will marvel at your greatness.


Active Member
Ok, what do you want me to do, hold up a piece of paper with "blank1" on the it?

If I do will you say, sorry im a asshole?



New Member
Ok, what do you want me to do, hold up a piece of paper with "blank1" on the it?

If I do will you say, sorry im a asshole?

unfortunately i must ask where you live. if its in the us then i agree with dude above and will apologize if i am mistaken. im a just a bit skeptical about a personal op @ someones place that big in the us.


Well-Known Member
you guys.

i see it on the news everyday. house fire. non-occupied. fire department responds to fire. finds WHOLE house full of plants.

it's happening everywhere.


Well-Known Member
Finally scaned a photo of the room, does anyone on here have close 22 600 watt HPS or close to it?

My power bill tends to be a bit larger then when I had a few CFL's in my closet?

Any larger indoor growers in here?

Sorry about the pic, I suck at scaning.


very nice grow..bongsmilie:peace::mrgreen::mrgreen: