Photo Shoot Ideas For Miss High Times


Well-Known Member
thought of one,do the idea with the plant and belt around it.
but have your girl in the boxing gear,gloves,shorts (official ones would probably be better),wife beater with cleavage exposed probably be good.
Have her sitting in a chair in the boxing gear with the plant and belt next to her with a heay bag or something around.
anyway just have her sitting down sweaty and exhausted looking with maybe a bong or something next to her and have her blowing smoke.
She'll still look good to because she'll be all wet with her cleavage hanging out and she'll also look like shes feeling the one hitter quitter because she'll look exhausted.
I want half the money if its a cash prize for this idea
hahahaha nah im just playing.But that really seems like it would put her in a good spot to win.I'd vote for her if I saw this idea.


Active Member
hey from the pics i can your lady really likes to focus on her eyes. I would say if shes any good at make up or maybe one of her friends she can make the famous marijuana leaves around her eyes so when she opens them it looks like marijuana leaves with blue eyes sticking out from the middle. if you wanna go all out you can make it a sexy clown thing.
Your best bet is to just take nice, high quality pictures that feature her and weed, or her smoking weed. They don't really choose the gimicky photos... ever. They really prefer the girl next door kind of look. Also just so you know, the votes don't actually mean anything. For example, the girl who won Miss February was on page 7 or 8 when she did. Either way, I went and voted for her - I "dropped off some dimes!' haha. If she really wants to get a lot of votes, she should write on the other girl's walls and become more vocal. Good luck!