Photographing Cannabis


Active Member
nice one thats good technique, n yeah Canon woulnt let you down. Its great you bought a tripod, it makes it so much easier.


Active Member
This hasnt turned out like I hoped but I'll attempt a better one later. Tilt Shift Macro trichs :D


Ok this is better - its a pic of my critical jack auto that has trichs growing down the stalks




Moderatrix of Journals
girly shot for the day: (the flashlight made a heart in the corner of the room and the shadows looked so cool i had to snap some)

some bubble:

i'm terribly fond of this shot.....

the crops that came from it:

and then i figured out that the t5's take a much nicer pic

which makes for crisper crops:

(btw, i love photography threads. pretty much everything i know about photographing plants comes from them.)


Active Member
Thanks for sharing those mellowkitty, those are really quite something. Some of those shots look like the plant is made out of glass or something, very beautiful trich shots! And That shot you are very fond of I think is an absolute belter, those pics are up there with the very best I have seen so far!


Moderatrix of Journals
Thanks for sharing those mellowkitty, those are really quite something. Some of those shots look like the plant is made out of glass or something, very beautiful trich shots! And That shot you are very fond of I think is an absolute belter, those pics are up there with the very best I have seen so far!
thank you so much!! that's quite a compliment from someone who obviously knows their way around a camera.
i have to admit what i know about technique is negligible; i'm a student of the "fill the damn sd card and hope for the best" school. :lol: (haven't even TOUCHED the aperture setting on custom mode..... scared... )
i'm still experimenting with lighting; i'm lucky enough to have hps, mh and t5 to fiddle around with (the middle shot is under an hps with t5 sidelighting).... i find that the WHITE-white of the t5s gives that crispness that makes the trichs look like water droplets.
pretty sure the canon helps; even though it's a point-and-shoot. (the macro setting doesn't work on 'foliage' mode.... what kind of utter BS is that??)


Active Member
thank you so much!! that's quite a compliment from someone who obviously knows their way around a camera.
i have to admit what i know about technique is negligible; i'm a student of the "fill the damn sd card and hope for the best" school. :lol: (haven't even TOUCHED the aperture setting on custom mode..... scared... )
i'm still experimenting with lighting; i'm lucky enough to have hps, mh and t5 to fiddle around with (the middle shot is under an hps with t5 sidelighting).... i find that the WHITE-white of the t5s gives that crispness that makes the trichs look like water droplets.
pretty sure the canon helps; even though it's a point-and-shoot. (the macro setting doesn't work on 'foliage' mode.... what kind of utter BS is that??)
Primarily I got into these cameras for filming, alot of it crosses over dirrectly to photography but I too am kind of learning the ropes as far as taking pictures goes. I found that photographing wildlife, particuarly birds, has helped me learn more quickly. No shame in filling up the memory card, its a good way to learn.

I recommend to try a shoot with apperture in mind. Pick a bud and experiment with the upper and lower limit of you apperture setting. Maybe start at the lowest setting and work your way up. You will have to alter the ISO and shutter speed to compensate as you go but. You will see how you can expose larger amounts of detail as you turn the apperture up.

If you are using an auto setting then it looks like it is doing a fantastic job to me though!

And I agree that CFL or T5 light is great for pics, it is definatley crisper and perhaps more realistic. Also the floros dont mess with my live-view so much, I find with the HPS I have to have the shutter speed very slow to get rid of the striped effect


Moderatrix of Journals
You will have to alter the ISO and shutter speed to compensate as you go but. You will see how you can expose larger amounts of detail as you turn the apperture up.
see, there you go, throwing around scary terms again :lol:
(indeed, next time i have something pretty to take pics of, i'll definitely try it out. you may be getting your brain picked when it happens ;) )

my buddy at quantum claims that the e-ballasts don't "stripe".... interesting, because i've never noticed striping in my shots (with 3 different cameras), but i have a friend who's done copious amounts of pot photography all over the world who would very much disagree. i'm wondering if the newer digis compensate for the electronic resonance (or whatever it is that causes the striping), and maybe that's why i've never seen it in my own shots. on my point and shoot, the "beach" setting seems to filter out a lot of the yellow and orange.... makes a full-hps-orange room look somewhat normal.


Well-Known Member
see, there you go, throwing around scary terms again :lol:
(indeed, next time i have something pretty to take pics of, i'll definitely try it out. you may be getting your brain picked when it happens ;) )

my buddy at quantum claims that the e-ballasts don't "stripe".... interesting, because i've never noticed striping in my shots (with 3 different cameras), but i have a friend who's done copious amounts of pot photography all over the world who would very much disagree. i'm wondering if the newer digis compensate for the electronic resonance (or whatever it is that causes the striping), and maybe that's why i've never seen it in my own shots. on my point and shoot, the "beach" setting seems to filter out a lot of the yellow and orange.... makes a full-hps-orange room look somewhat normal.
Oh, oh! Photography talk! Can I join?


Well-Known Member
girly shot for the day: (the flashlight made a heart in the corner of the room and the shadows looked so cool i had to snap some)

some bubble:

i'm terribly fond of this shot.....

the crops that came from it:

and then i figured out that the t5's take a much nicer pic

which makes for crisper crops:

(btw, i love photography threads. pretty much everything i know about photographing plants comes from them.)
You get pretty nice detail on that , sister. What's your hardware?


Active Member
I found it scary at first but if you break it all down its fairly simple maybs this will help if anyone was wondering:

ISO - Lower rating = Darker image less noise or grain in the detail. Crisper img
Higher rating = Lighter image but more noise or grain in detail

Shut Spd - Slow rating = longer exposer and a lighter image.Vibration sensitive.
Fast rating = short exposure and a darker image. Good for moving objects or working without a tripod

Apperture - Low rating = small field of focus. Blurring of background. Good for picking out targets
High rating = large field of focus. Less blurring of close and far objects

With the HPS light it could be a thing with older models of cameras. I only get the striping on my live view but the actual photos are ok. Once my shut spd is at around 200 it stops the interference. I have a magnetic ballast so wonder if that is the problem...