PHOTOS of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez or “Sandy” as She Was Known at Her Elite High School in Yorktown

I literally have multiple quotes of you bragging about selling grams to old people on fixed incomes you retard

Im flattered that you keep a file because i hurt you.

But you keep changing my supposed words every post.

You are the easiest mark on the internet. And as big a fraud as rm3 was.

Poor backpeddler.
Ocasio-Cortez says ‘gotta run’ when asked about shutdown pay
By Nikki Schwab

January 3, 2019 | 7:12pm | Updated

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Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez AFP/Getty Images

WASHINGTON – Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez still won’t say whether she’s giving up her salary during the partial government shutdown — a move she previously advocated for all lawmakers.

“I’ve gotta run!” Ocasio-Cortez told The Post when asked the question Thursday on Capitol Hill.

She then scampered down a crowded hallway to get in line for her mock swearing-in with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

Among Ocasio-Cortez’s group was her partner, Riley Roberts. “A really incredible day, really special,” he told The Post, adding that he liked Washington thus far. “It’s great.”

Ocasio-Cortez attracted hordes of reporters and photographers on her first day as a member of Congress but stayed tight-lipped throughout the day.

That’s in contrast to her social media presence, where she cooks Instant Pot meals and talks policy with her supporters. Or blasts members of Congress for taking paychecks during the ongoing government shutdown.

“It’s completely unacceptable that members of Congress can force a government shutdown on partisan lines & then have Congressional salaries exempt from that decision,” Ocasio-Cortez said on Dec. 22, the first morning of the shutdown. “Have some integrity.”

Members of Congress earn $174,000 a year.
Ocasio-Cortez says ‘gotta run’ when asked about shutdown pay
By Nikki Schwab

January 3, 2019 | 7:12pm | Updated

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Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez AFP/Getty Images

WASHINGTON – Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez still won’t say whether she’s giving up her salary during the partial government shutdown — a move she previously advocated for all lawmakers.

“I’ve gotta run!” Ocasio-Cortez told The Post when asked the question Thursday on Capitol Hill.

She then scampered down a crowded hallway to get in line for her mock swearing-in with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

Among Ocasio-Cortez’s group was her partner, Riley Roberts. “A really incredible day, really special,” he told The Post, adding that he liked Washington thus far. “It’s great.”

Ocasio-Cortez attracted hordes of reporters and photographers on her first day as a member of Congress but stayed tight-lipped throughout the day.

That’s in contrast to her social media presence, where she cooks Instant Pot meals and talks policy with her supporters. Or blasts members of Congress for taking paychecks during the ongoing government shutdown.

“It’s completely unacceptable that members of Congress can force a government shutdown on partisan lines & then have Congressional salaries exempt from that decision,” Ocasio-Cortez said on Dec. 22, the first morning of the shutdown. “Have some integrity.”

Members of Congress earn $174,000 a year.

I'll bet you wish you had you some money, huh?
I literally have multiple quotes of you bragging about selling grams to old people on fixed incomes you retard

Like this one?

I don’t need to explain anything. I am a registered caregiver with registered patients.

And no one but the few crybabies that give you all your likes cares.

And I said fixed income. You have lied it into hospice already. You are a real peach Buck.

Another poor desperate weird angry buck cheerleader. Sad desperate internet bullying is all he does.

It is very telling when you pull an Uncle Buck. Usually you are just angry and wrong taco.

But keep trying. You entertain me.

A little.
I hate searching but did you not say you sell grams to people on a fixed income? I do seem to recall something like that, please correct me if wrong.
Ocasio-Cortez says ‘gotta run’ when asked about shutdown pay
By Nikki Schwab

January 3, 2019 | 7:12pm | Updated

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Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez AFP/Getty Images

WASHINGTON – Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez still won’t say whether she’s giving up her salary during the partial government shutdown — a move she previously advocated for all lawmakers.

“I’ve gotta run!” Ocasio-Cortez told The Post when asked the question Thursday on Capitol Hill.

She then scampered down a crowded hallway to get in line for her mock swearing-in with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

Among Ocasio-Cortez’s group was her partner, Riley Roberts. “A really incredible day, really special,” he told The Post, adding that he liked Washington thus far. “It’s great.”

Ocasio-Cortez attracted hordes of reporters and photographers on her first day as a member of Congress but stayed tight-lipped throughout the day.

That’s in contrast to her social media presence, where she cooks Instant Pot meals and talks policy with her supporters. Or blasts members of Congress for taking paychecks during the ongoing government shutdown.

“It’s completely unacceptable that members of Congress can force a government shutdown on partisan lines & then have Congressional salaries exempt from that decision,” Ocasio-Cortez said on Dec. 22, the first morning of the shutdown. “Have some integrity.”

Members of Congress earn $174,000 a year.
They also have exclusive pictures of her dancing in college. Lock her up!!!
I hate searching but did you not say you sell grams to people on a fixed income? I do seem to recall something like that, please correct me if wrong.

Yes. I said i told him that. But what i said first in the original thread was just a stab back for an insult. That my (basically nonexistant) gram business was more profitable than his political posting fee. And i said that because he joked he made more posting than i made as a caregiver.

Its always all convoluted when he only returns comments with insults and lies. Its like he is trying to win a popularity contest by downing others. Very high school like behavior.

He is now saying i am a convicted pedophile. Lol.

I wouldnt have a caregiver license if i was.

So i baited him with telling him he was right and added “fixed income” to see how far he would go. He took the bait and has said “nursing home” to make it sound worse ever since.

I still cant believe anyone cares to believe any of the crap he manufactures.

Its just like politics. Its stupid. Can we drop it? I think a lot more members would add to political discussions if people would stop defending his childish behavior. Its supposed to be against the rules anyway.

I was banned for the words ass and idiot. Guess its who i said them to more than what i said.
I just quoted where he said exactly that and posted the link to it.

What about the thread where he trolled me before that one? Did it start there? I sure didnt bring it up. What about the other thread he lied about me in? And the 2 before that?

Nothing he is saying about me is true. The truth is hidden way back in threads when i joined and he just doesn't like how I disagreed with him and challenged his silly posting methods.

So he makes up stuff and repeats it until it sticks.

You at least seem smart enough to see he does this. I didnt start by attacking you either. I met you in a grow discussion about planting seeds i think. No reason for hostility.

Sorry i dont agree with the tactics of your party. Look how it goes when people try to discuss their opinion in here. Its a train wreck. Im still a liberal. And i will likely vote democratic to help shift the balance back. I dont have to agree with the specified politics do I.

Well in here I do I guess.
You said it and meant it. You worded it several different ways several different times.

That's your problem: you spew so much complete bullshit it's impossible to take anything you say at face value. Your words are completely worthless because nobody can ever tell if you were lying then or if you're lying now.

In the future, stick to one story and you wont have that problem.

Well, you'll still be an idiot...but at least you wont be a blithering idiot changing his tune every 5 minutes. You'll be an idiot of standing. That, at least, is an improvement on your present reputation.
You said it and meant it. You worded it several different ways several different times.

That's your problem: you spew so much complete bullshit it's impossible to take anything you say at face value. Your words are completely worthless because nobody can ever tell if you were lying then or if you're lying now.

In the future, stick to one story and you wont have that problem.

Well, you'll still be an idiot...but at least you wont be a blithering idiot changing his tune every 5 minutes. You'll be an idiot of standing. That, at least, is an improvement on your present reputation.

Well most people out there do not feel that way about me. I only have this hostility in here and it is driven by rediculous lies parroted by a few posters.

You must be much smarter and more perceptive than the majority of members I respect here and other sites.

I have admitted when i was wrong from the beginning and have tried to make ammends here many times. Oh well dude.