Phresh Filters VS. Can-Filters ?

Which carbon filter is better?

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overmyhead...seems your question has stumped most guys at the shop on the ozone and the life of a filter. one thing they did say is never have the ozone before the filter as it isnt meant to be in the room with the plants. it will or may kill them. its meant to be used as a separate room to dump this smell to then run ozone in that room after it leaves the grow erea. this is the correct way to run ozone. i was given a number to our guy in austrailia to call and get more details if we want,.if your that into knowing i can make a call for you...kinda have me curious as well now.
those dragon filters are higher in price than the phresh filters, and my phresh filter is properly sized for my room and it COMPLETELY eliminates all odors from 6 pineaaple express and 3 white russians
So far I am 6-7 weeks into flowering and it is controlling smell on my Banana Kush monster that has over a lb (dry) on it. I will be moving a Phresh filter into the drying room too and will give a review of that. The room has a little smell in it right now, but the exhaust smells charcoal clean
I just bought the Phresh filter and had to send it back cause the flange is 3/8 (in diameter) larger than normal I could not hook up a duct to it. There solution to this problem is the crimp the flange so it smaller.
medi 1 - if you could make that call it'd be great. Right now I've got the ozone machine in the room but outside the tent. It comes on at lights on and goes off when lights are out. But technically I guess you could say it is before and after the filter because the filter is exhausting on top of the tent, where the ozone is but it's all getting sucked back into the tent eventually. I haven't seen any ozone damage on the plants. If I had an ideal set up with a lung room of sorts I'd def just vent into it and nuke with ozone but that's not an option right now. Also, can ona screw with the charcoal filters?
ya i can call..and oyur set is sounds wrong. you shouldnt be intaking the room stuff back in. the ozone needs to be vented outdoors. it can kill you. if that thing is on that long its probably not doing anything or there would be plant damage id think. then you run a filter/ozone and ona???, overkill. and ona is obsorbed by the plant so may have that taste to it, i do know tghat one.
if yu had some pics of the set up this may help me figure what you got going on. it may be right just me not understading the set up. technicaly you should only need ozone or a fitler not both. and ona shouldnt ever be right in the grow erea.
im also starting a web cast channel and will be going over diff subjects like this. if your itnerested in this let me know. its live and i have it set up for a virtual deal so you guys can ask questions as i run the videos. i can pass the addy to those that have an interest.
I have had my mind set on a can filter till I saw a vid on you tube about the phresh filters and I think that I am going to go with the phresh mainly because of the weight. Keep us posted on how it all turns out. :peace:
FUCK A PHRESH FILTER! fuck them with a limp dick.

just stay away. its cheap chinese junk.

dont even get me started on the fact the duct is entirely the wrong size, the filter costs more than a CAN, blows carbon dust FUCKING EVERYWHERE.


Going back to can, i should have never strayed. My can 100 is still going strong after 3+ years 24/7 use. And i got it USED.

Every time i have built out for someone and used a non can filter they regretted it and ended up switching out mid run.

I cannot stress enough phresh filters are over priced pieces of dog shit, and i am HIGHLY disappointed with this product.

never mind it being over priced and ineffective on top of dirty. But unless you have a pair of duct crimpers {highly labor intensive} you will NEVER get this piece of shit installed.


Dont care what the newbs say. 15+ years experience here. take my word or dont, just trying to save you guys some of your hard earned money!

if weight is a huge deal get a can lite.
As for CAN filters, I believe they were reloadedable at some point. Since they have a larger "carbon cargo" area it's a bit safer to have the DIY guys reload the filter. the air is likely to touch carbon if it has to travel through 2" of carbon vs 1" for example. I do not know if those are the proper numbers. This also explains the extra weight of the CAN filters. They have more carbon of the cheaper chunkier carbon.

Why is RC-48 carbon (finely crushed carbon) better then standard fish carbon? Let's think of a tube 4" in diameter. Let's fill that tube with rocks... is it full? No, let's put some sand to fit between those rocks... is it full? For this analogy it is. The point is, the pourus rock in this tube by itself would allow air being pulled through it a probability that it sneaked past the rocks without touching them. If the finer rock (like sand or RC-48 carbon) was used then the air would be to guaranteed to touch carbon.

Can-Filter factory actually shakes the carbon to pack it.. and vacuum any dust.


By the way.. Can-Filter does sell refill buckets...

Replacement Carbon
The same high-quality CKV-4 activated carbon used in Can Filters,
available separately in a 25-pound bucket or 25-kilogram bag.

CF Replacement Carbon, 25 lb Bucket .................$72.95
CF Replacement Carbon, 25 kg Bag.....................$150.95
Where do you get these percentages from? A hat? How on earth would you even have a clue as to these filters not meeting their ratings? Learn how to match your fan and filters cfm and you'll have a long lasting filter that works.
These Green Planet guys are rip offs of Advanced Nutes (some former employees) and they are as crooked as they guys from AN. Nothing wrong with that people are in business for money and a living, if that involves lies, deceit, half-truths, erroneous information then ok. Just another example how easy the sheep follow in the MMJ world.
a trick to making your filters last longer is to vaccum to pre-filter monthly or change it every 6 months. And it helps to roll the filter on the floor to "re-distrubute" the air pockets in the carbon. Its supposed to help freshen the filter back up some and add to the life of any filter. I use the presh filters and have for a couple of years now and dont have any odor issues.
ai works in the sell biznisses many long times. ia noes everthing bouts the filtars.

hours arr besstest fo shure, buy buy buy from uss, we are betterer than anyones ever.

i dont care, care no, not care less, im not promoting our shop, just dont buy from anyone cos theyre wrong uknow.

Prove it then.... i is a haf explaineinged soo menne thymes now...

woooooooowooooooo...... rollitup cant stopping us. wee gots this shit on lock!!

fukk t modz.

mr ganja, hoody hooo....TROLLOP