Phrunabulax's 1st outdoor


Hello Folks, after reasonable success with 4 indoor grows under 4ft 8 bulb t5 ho flourescents, I'm goin to try an outdoor grow.
Like most of us, recent financial set backs necessitate more yield on the dollar, the sun is free, land is mine, and i got nuthin but time.
Seedling is LA Confidential..(goin in the closet for special attention)..pods are a mutant cross of Kush/White Rhino. A friend swears a male snuck into his house, had its way with his girls (3 of each), made a sandwich, drank his last beer and left..I took the resulting seed with disgusted blessings from my bro.
So my forray into the great outdoors begins, it will an organic attempt with weekly updates and pics. Feel free to comment, make suggestions or just check in to see how I'm doin.
Pics 3 & 4 are those mutants of mystery parentage..(4 of 6 were female and are in the closet, about 5 weeks till harvest)..i thought these were males so i moved'em outside 3 weeks ago.



LA Con 2wks..Kush/Rhino mutant spouts 1wk, denta pic will hopefully become cheese
2 outdoor i thought were males of K/R indoor i'm doin, maybe i was wrong, wont be the 1st time


lost the outdooor to pests and weather..was out of town for a couple weeks...rolley polley bugs sucked one dry and the other was found knocked down due to bad storm that came thru. Didnt have camera with so i'll post pics tomorrow.