PHX NORML meeting Oct. 2nd @7pm


Active Member
The same day as our first hearing for the 25 mile rule prohibition lawsuit - PHX NORML will be having elections for new Board Members since a few resigned.

I will certainly be there and have been asked to run in their elections to be a Board Member.

Not sure if this is what I want to be doing but I will certainly stand for patients in Az if elected! Folks know this...
She is also in norml. She sometimes hustles the 60- 70 year old veterans there for free labor for her high profit market. I am surprised they let her use her street name though.

  • Butch Williams
  • Rain Baker
  • Lori Justus
  • Rick Villalobos
  • Eric Johnson
  • Mike Templeton
If you can attend...

I, along with Keith, will be at the NORML meeting @ the Fire House tonight at 7pm

Please show your support and help us get Keith voted in so he can get the full pledge of NORML on our side.
sorry i tried to make it but a big flushing kept me busy all night by the time i looked at the clock i was like "FUCK".