Pick n Mix Feminized Auto


Well-Known Member
Before I start this Journal I want to say that this is my second Journal I am starting, I am the biggest novice ever and I'm a tool but not the sharpest tool in the shed. So I will be needing A lot of guidance through-out this Journal.

For example.
The things I'll actually need to start
How big the pot should be.
When to water them at what stage
Do I use nutes? If so which ones and when.

I have a million more questions since I am very new but I'll leave them for later.

I know some people absolutely hate Auto plants and Auto Journals but I just want some quick weed. I would write more but I'm very tired.

I ordered these seeds off www.bonzaseeds.com. They are very good and the shipping is priceless

I am germinating 4 seeds into water then putting them in a wet paper towel inside a bag.

The seeds I am about to germinate and below is the cupboard I will be growing in.



Well-Known Member
There's plenty of articles on the internets about how to get started on autoflowers. I think the main idea is not to shock them in any way cause that'll cost you either time or bud.


Well-Known Member
There's plenty of articles on the internets about how to get started on autoflowers. I think the main idea is not to shock them in any way cause that'll cost you either time or bud.
Thanks man I've missed you! Always giving amazing advice. I read somewhere that you can go old-school and not give any nutes at all and just go full on water from birth to death?


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the compliment, Bud, it ain't nothing really. Nice to be able to help. What sort of lights do you have?

If I were you I wouldn't count on not feeding it. Get yourself some light soil and nutes and follow the feeding schedule and it will be spot on. For autoflowers turn to flower nutes 2 weeks after first pistils appear. Yeah... that sounds about right

OR better yet look into hempy buckets. Here's my first hempy plant :D

Picture 766.jpg


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the compliment, Bud, it ain't nothing really. Nice to be able to help. What sort of lights do you have?

If I were you I wouldn't count on not feeding it. Get yourself some light soil and nutes and follow the feeding schedule and it will be spot on. For autoflowers turn to flower nutes 2 weeks after first pistils appear. Yeah... that sounds about right

OR better yet look into hempy buckets. Here's my first hempy plant :D

View attachment 3391354

That is the most beautiful plant I have ever seen, Holy shit dude it looks amazing.

I haven't bought my lights yet, Since the germination takes like 2 days I'm pretty sure, haha trying to remember from the last time. But in the morning if they have sprouted their tap roots I'm going out and gearing up brother.

Would you suggest a type of good light I could use. I heard 1 light is good enough for 4 plants but not too sure. Also since they're auto-flowers I need really big buckets to plant them in?

One last thing I heard before I plant them I gotta flush the soil because with Auto-Flowers the roots grow where the water is?
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Well-Known Member
That is the most beautiful plant I have ever seen, Holy shit dude it looks amazing.

I haven't bought my lights yet, Since the germination takes like 2 days I'm pretty sure, haha trying to remember from the last time. But in the morning if they have sprouted their tap roots I'm going out and gearing up brother.

Would you suggest a type of good light I could use. I heard 1 light is good enough for 4 plants but not too sure. Also since they're auto-flowers I need really big buckets to plant them in?

One last thing I heard before I plant them I gotta flush the soil because with Auto-Flowers the roots grow where the water is?
You should get HID lamps. Metal Halide and high pressure sodium bulbs. But you can start on CFLs for the first week or maybe two. The plant in the pic I posted was under a 150 watt HPS. What space do you have to work with? Ventilation? HID lights run quite hot but you can get away with minimal ventilation in the winter (say one 80mm pc fan blowing over the bulb will be no problem for a 150 watter)

I think flushing the soil is for getting rid of some of the nutes that's inside it but that won't be an issue with seed started light soil.


Well-Known Member
The space I work with is in the picture under neath where the seeds are in my very first post in the thread, Idk the dimensions of it also not sure how I'm gonna ventilate that I could probably open up the slide door a little bit. I'll look up those type of lights in the morning, The Seeds have sprouted but didn't have time to go out and buy some buckets and soil, but will do it first thing in the morning.


Well-Known Member
It's been a while but I've finally done it, My set up (for now) bought some soil added some perlite to the mix and now it's under a CFL. Hopefully by tomorrow or the next the seed will be sprouted :D



Well-Known Member
The plant flopped over because the stem isn't strong enough so I cut out a piece of a straw and put it around the stem for it to stay up, did I do the right thing? It seemed like a good idea at the time ;_;



Well-Known Member
Is my plant an auto-flower? It's been 30 days. This is what it looks like. But I've seen autos before and they don't grow as tall as this do they? It has a really strong smell
