Pick your 3 favorite drugs...


Well-Known Member
1.a shitload of weed a bunch of boxes of dutches and a bong
2.wet just for the hell of it
3.A few pounds of coke to keep me going.


Well-Known Member
Lets see. Id start my day off with a nice wake n bake. Trip balls with an 1/8 of shrooms in the afternoon. and and end my night with a 4 hour workout session with 8 blue stars.


Well-Known Member
Weed, Shrooms and Heroin, last one not for leasure but if I get hurt bad and need some real pain medication I dont think you can really beat a opiate like heroin.


Well my 3 things I dont even consider drugs..

Magic Mushrooms.............Mushrooms (obviously)
DMT.......................Spirit Molecule


Active Member
herb,overproof booze and mush that way I could make hash and liquid mush :D and get high enough to fly outta there on the intergalactic space hog!


Active Member
Sticky dank buds
Ice cold beer
Energy drinks? Or Coffee
3 things what i use :D
I still want to try coke and shrooms :D