(Pics) 40seedlings, room for 20 plants, a splash of mcguiver, and we'ev got a grow


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This is my first real grow.

Being a student of engineering im putting my skills to the test.
This grow is fairly seat of the pants but looks to be quite professional in the end.

What i have to work with is an old cabnet making work bench, about 3 feat tall, in the corner or a basement forming an aprox 25 ft long L shape. This is a little over a couple feet in protruding depth, and the only concern is odor as other people may be upstairs.

The plan is to create a small intake exhuast circuit.
By using plywood and window seals, silicone caulking internally, and some creative baffling, we will enclose this work bench. The front leg of the L shape containg a baffle with 4 intake fans, and on the end of the other leg of the L, 5 exhaust fans pulling the air through homemade carbon filter cansiters of some length.

This will all be enclosed in mylar and effectivly made airtight when plywood panels are in place.

Lighting is still in the works.
Ideally id like flouros on the cieling with 4 250 watt hps spaced along the ceiling 1 to every 4-5 plants. between the rows of pots high power cfls on stands. Hopefully the back wall can be partially flouro'd as well.

Plans include CO2 enrichment, extensive and inguinuitive use of LST, as well as other cropping methods, Multi lighting setup, Early flowering, and UVB potency enhancment.

By now im sure most readers are questioning my seriousness as this is quite a laundry list of parts totalling to a hefty price. Do to the progressive nature of the needs of this setup, i have the ability to build only the critical parts for the current stages of the plants life when they need it. I also have a lucrative seasonal job which gives me funds to purchase all this as costs rise.

Currently however, the summer is just kicking off, and im in seedling stage. I have 4 different sets of genetics from bagseeds. The first batch went into germination 19 days ago. The second batch germed about a week after that, and a third and final batch is germing now.

I germed with the paper towel method, and had about 70 percent germination success. I planted the germed seeds in jiffy pots with miracle grow potting mix. It is worth noting that the second batch was alowed to germinate for far to long, resulting in 3 inch plants looking for light through a paper towel, HOWEVER, about 75 of those plants survided and are now diesel.

The first stage lighting is a 60 watts of Flouro spaced to within an inch of seedlings.

The second stage was built around the initial 16 plants and now consists of 5 13-23 watt cfls placed on moving socets.

There is one more round of seeds germinating as we speak. In total we have aprox 40 viable seedlings and room to grow around 20 through flowering. We have a time constraint of being down with the initial drying by mid august. This dictate we employ earling 12/12 cycle induced flowering, and provides me with a unique tool. Within 3 weeks all my seeds will be solid mini plants with a minimum of 2-3 nodes, some hopefully reaching 5-6.

At this point by initiating flowering, we can identify sex early, wittling away our crops at hopefully no worse than 50% male rate. After this plants will hopefully doube/triple in size and result in 20 or so female flowering plants maxing out under 2 feet.

I will post pictures in order as i took them up to this point. Hopefully this will be an educating grow, and an interesting one to follow as im serious minded.

Ne w


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Alot happened day 12
the second set of plants went into jiffy pots, and so a new lightsource was required.

I scrounged up a halogen and some cfls thinking all the wattage would be great, and it up hanging from the work bench over the first 16. The halogen was ditched the next day as i read more.

Also i named my first plant, *alyssa* (knocks on wood) who was already getting diesel despite some crazy mishaps, one of which being spending a night burried completely in loose soil after the jiffy pot fell over.

Heres some pics

The first three are alyssa, next is one of *sky*, then one of my nicer plants, one that realllly stretched on me =( and one of the rediculous state of the germinated seeds i planted. Realize that the last photo is one of a plant 5 min after initial planting, the whole batch germed in paper till that point, and most survived the planting giving rediculous root structure at a young age



Active Member
Day 13 i took a nice overview of the "sweet 16" as i call them.

Here it was under its first and clearly inadaquete/misplaced cfl.
They are now being cared for much better.



Active Member
Day 14 saw improved lighting, a makeshift reflector, and confirmed growth on the new seedlings

First is another pic of alyssa, who is getting huge and has two asymetrical and intriguing shoots on one of the second pair of fan leaves.
Any thoughts as to what im looking at there?

Next is a few angles of the new movable cfl hemisperical coverage of the sweet 16.

After these is a picture of one of the stronger plants that has showed yellow spoting on round leaves, hopefully this is supposed to happen, everything else looks healthy.

Finally the last two are of my mircale plant, destined to be LST folklore. Due to extended germination periods one of the seeds develop a stem, and then turned back on itself looking for light. Once planted, in the process of re-righting itself to the light, it formed a nearly perfect upward spiral by day 2. I have high hopes for this plant, despite its looks.



Active Member
Id like to use this journal to gain knowledge i can apply to my grow specifically.

Ill post more with detailed questions i still have, but for now id love to hear any thoughts about the grow and or any suggestions. Its still semi in development so id like as much info as possible to get it right the first time. Especially seeing i have location, construction skills, and funds.

Anything about the grow you'd like to know just ask, hopefully discression will be used.

Currently im concerned with the jiffy pots and transplanting, along with nutes and lighting. Id love to run 4 150 watt bulbs of a 1000wat ballast but thats not happening, so im prolly gunna have to go homebuilt and just contruct my own ballast bare bones. Id rather not buy 4 complete kits. Cfls should do in the meantime and i can buy plenty to keep up with the plants


Well-Known Member
Why 150w bulbs on 1000watts ? why dont u just get a 1000w Bulb ?

should do for 16 plants......

Your Journal is very interesting i will be posting and watching your grow

If u need help just ask.....


Active Member
DWR, i wrote all that at like 3 in the morning, made rediculous amount of gramatical errors, and i ment to type 4 250watts.

The problem is i don't have room to get all the plants under one big light. I have plenty of room, but its in a long corridor fashion.

I made this quick diagram to illustrate what i mean

Im trying to picture it but i just dont see how to stuff 20 plants in that type of space under one 1000watt light. So instead i came up with this idea, of having the 4 spaced out, cfls "inside" the foliage, and flouro down the walls.

Anyone have any suggestions as to how the cheapest way to wire those 250watts would be? im assuming you CANT just daisychain/series them into one 1000watt ballast?

Oh and thanks,

Hopefully it won't dissapoint and i appreciate the open offer im sure ill be asking quite alot of questions in the weeks to follow


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Day 20

It's killing me to not be living at the house with my plants. I came by to find that my friend had fallen sick and naturally taken better care for himself than the plants. No ones fault but i found the seedlings being crushed by a poorly mounted Flouro, the sweet 16 desperatly in need of water and a few plants needing a transplant.

I watered and gave all the plants some TLC. Then went to Home Depot for some light shopping.

I found a ceiling fan fixture for like 9 bucks that had 4 sockets and was perfect for hanging the CFLS. I got this, 4 23 watt cfls, vigoro plant food, and some wiring components.

The grow is now under a much better setup of 10 CFLs and a 10 watt mini flouro for seedlings. The next light upgrade looks to be homemade ballasts and 4 250Watt hps.

I added a homemade multilocation temp sensor. Fairly ghetto rigged haha.

It's just some surplus wall mount digital temp monitors, with the sensors removed and placed on extended wire leads, so i can now monitor the temp of 4 locations in my grow from the same set of displays, and check the min and max temps over the last 24 hours. It's all running of a couple D-cells so it will run for a lifetime.

Here's some pics of it all. When i get back from work ill stop by and hit you up with a few questions i have for the next stages.

The first picture is all the seedlings so far, more on the way.
Second picture is the Temp sensor i built.
Third is a picture of how i applied the Ceiling fan fixture.
Fourth, a picture of the head unit of the temp sensor and the plant food, any thoughts on this plant food folks?
Next is my favorite. The just transplanted Alyssa, who is coming along oh so nicely. And best of all, *she* (knocks on wood again) smells!
The 6th picture concerns me, this is one of the first 4 plants, but its looking horrible. When i took these the initial 16 looked bone dry, so im hoping this was just underwatering, any other suggestions?

The last to pictures are a quick overview of my grow space.
The first one is where its all now, under the front leg of the work bench, and then the last picture is the other leg with nothing in it yet. This weekend we plan to Begin enclosing it all, and installing the intake/exhuast system.

the plants are coming along nicely however.



Active Member
Another update, morning of day 22

Some plants are thriving, some are gaining strength, and a few straight dropped their leaves. Im still happy with whats going strong though.

The temp sensor recorded a temp range of 63-70, when i was there it was holding steady at 66 and 67 in two locations, the other two temp sensors need to be extended still.

I do want to get a handle on why some plants are doing this though. A couple have completely wilted leave's wise and dropped all leaves. But a strong and living stem remains so im keeping my fingers crossed.
I think it may be a mix of issues stemming from pre-nuted soil, overwatering and lack of airation in the soil. Im going to transplant into nuetral soil cut with perilite soon.

Oh and a question. A few plants are staying nice and green and healthy, but the leaves are curling up under themselves, is this over watering? or i read maybe a Phosphorous deficiancy? any thoughts? Heres a picture of some of the sicklings, what do you guys think?

And here's Alyssa whose getting DIESEL in my humble opinion :)

And lastly, a picture of the one of my stretch victims. Hopefully this will all be remidied in the last repotting and ill just bury up to the lowest leaves.
