Pics added! Air-Cooled Reflectors: U-Shape Insert or Angled Insert?

Do you guys prefer the U-shaped aluminum insert or angled aluminum insert in air-cooled reflectors? I'm using a 4x4x8 tent, so I'm not looking for too much light spread.

The Sun System "Yield Master II" has the U-shape aluminum Insert.

The Hydrofarm "Radiant" has the angled aluminum insert.

Also, is it true that hammertone texture aluminum has better reflectivity than smooth aluminum?

Thanks for helping out!
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bryan oconner

Well-Known Member
I like none of them its personal preference and grow area so on and so on . I like open hoods no glass or a cool tube 8 inch . my but im running 1000 watts for 2 square feet . if your only doing a 4 by 4 area I would throw in a 1000 watt hps into some thing like this has to have a fan blowing . to keep it cool
this is not the best place to get it ive used these in the past very good many of my friends have these

bryan oconner

Well-Known Member
for got to mention I had the yield master 2 its only good for 4 plants 4 foot tall . suggest a 600 watt hps in that one . its cheap it works but buy the good shit once and no need to upgrade later
Bryan Conner, thanks for the response. I ended up going with a Yield Master 2 Supreme just because I found one cheap. Down the road I will experiment, but would you say that an open hood will get too hot in a closed tent?

I was planning on going 1000 watt but decided to start with 600W to get a feel for how much heat I am going to have to deal with. Down the road I will either change it to 1000W or add another 600W or add an LED. My plants will only get ~ 24"-36" tall.


Well-Known Member
I went with price and availability... Raptor 6" .... With a 1000w it matters so much less, lol...

bryan oconner

Well-Known Member
ok yield master 2 then veg them 10 inches tall topped and put 6 or 8 plants under it with 3 gallon pots with a 600 watt pull about 12 zips . if you have a fan pulling the air out you can open hood . there is a slight advantage in veg there is a major advantage you will see . finish height is about 20 to 24 inches solid buds top to bottom . open hoods are like ovens air needs to be moved away . closed hoods are hot as well if there is not a fan pushing air . yield master 2 height should be 2 feet above the plants with a 600 and have a fan blowing the tops of the plants . have fun with your hobby


Well-Known Member
for got to mention I had the yield master 2 its only good for 4 plants 4 foot tall . suggest a 600 watt hps in that one . its cheap it works but buy the good shit once and no need to upgrade later
Where are you pullin this info from?
I've rocked 1000w's in the yield master 2's for days. They work excellent. 4'X4' area.
I'm more of a DE kinda guy these days, but the ym2's work just fine with 1K