(PICS) ?autoflower question?


Active Member
On average, how long does it take the longest autoflower to finish? Is there a such thing as an autoflower going for longer than 70 days? I'm just asking because my plant is 64 days old and I'm unsure if this is getting really close to finish or not!
Here is an example of the bud so far: How long do I have left if I'm on day 64 from seed (autoflower)!



Active Member
Yeah im pretty sure some can take up to 90 days from seed. I just grew Short Stuff seeds Himalayan Blue Diesel Autoflower and that took like 10 weeks from seed. Maybe some can take more if you stress it or have very bad conditions like too much heat. not enough water/nutes etc. Yours is looking great tho. Id say it looks like you are gonna be flowering that for at least another 2-3 weeks with all those white hairs still shootin straight up. But they will fatten up like crazy within the next few weeks. what are you conditions in your grow room like? Good Luck and Happy Growing


Active Member
yeah you have at least couple of weeks left. and in a thread from another website ive seen documentation of an autoflower strain going for at least 99 days. the picture was described as, xxxxx strain at 99 days.