pics available!please help


Well-Known Member
thanks for the replies guys ill flush it tomorow morning or tonight??which would be better. also im still curious why the bottom leaves turned white?wouldnt that be lack of nutes?

oh and oldgrowth420 it says on the back apply every 2 weeks so im guessing it isnt slow released!


Active Member
what should i do about the N burn flushing it with luke warm water apparently helps ??.also it had a pretty rough start when it ws younger such as slight deformities, stunted growth.
Nevermind the lukewarm water deal, that said, don't hit them with cold water either. Room temp is fine. If using tap water, let it stand for 24 hours to help gas off the chlorine, which doesn't help with the ph (acidity) at all. Rain water is always preferable to tap water with since it has minerals in it that haven't been filtered out by water purification, it's nice and soft, blah, blah. Get a bucket and collect rain water, you'll be amazed at what it does for your plants.

Forget about harm what has been done. It's done and over with and you can't undo it. From the look of your plants, you've caught it before it became a huge issue, so just work on going forward. The biggest mistake people make is in getting tied up in knots trying to correct harm that has already happened and can never been undone.

So, since the balance of your plant(s) looks ok, I'd be apt to ask why mess with things?. Unless you have excess "chemical" N in the soil, don't worry about it doing more harm unless you see the burn climbing up the plants. Again I repeat, the harm is done, so put it behind you and get on with life.

The drawbacks with flushing are that you will a) drown the roots and hence begin to suffocate the plant and b) flush out any other nutes in he soil that the plant needs. And then you end up in the never ending cycle of playing catch up with nutes. My advice is to just leave things alone for a bit. So never flush unless you know you've had a brain fart and over fert'd.

BTW, the proper method to flush is to water, about 3 times the amount of soil in the pot. Not a whole lot of magic to it. Unless you've added a granular chemical fertilizer to the soil when repotting, in which case flushing is next to impossible and undoing what you did is the best option.

With all of my running off at the fingertips out of the way, get your plants more light and see how things are going in a week or so. Generally speaking, if you have abundant light, decent soil and a healthy root system you should be seeing about an inch a day in growth in height and a decent ratio in overall mass of the plants.

Good luck. And don't make things more complicated than they have to be.


Well-Known Member
thznk schmokey thats definetly the type of advice i was looking! so i will let it grow for abit and only flush if essential, dont fert for (how long??) also it gets all day sunlight from sun rise to sun set.about 630- 730 around about im just guessing really.ill post up in acouple of weeks to let you know how it went!


Well-Known Member
think of it like this...

acid is burning your you attempt to wash it away now, or tomorrow?
your roots are burning.
just keep the night temp in mind... a water logged pot might get cold.
maybe bring it inside someplace dark for the night...

the bottom leaves gets the first products of the roots
in the case of high nutes, it sucks water out of the leaves killing off vital processes, from the edges to the core of the leaf, and they change colors and get all crispy
sort of like a turkey sitting in brine...only backwards
then it works it's way up. new growth is retarded and the high nutes end up locking out other nutes the plant needs to repair/grow.

flushing a ton of water through it might leech it out and give the plant a chance to recover.

keep in mind i'm new at this and probably WAY off...take with a huge grain of salt...

flushing has draw backs, and my explanation of why it works is pure shit btw


Well-Known Member
wide swings in temp and humidity are stressful is all i know...if you wouldn't mind spending the night out side buck naked with no cover for yourself with your feet jammed into dirt, then disregard...

I medicated to the gills. Haha
plus i have absolutely no idea what i'm talking about.



Well-Known Member
I'm talking about your soil bro, not your nutes. What brand, line of soil are you using? Does it say it already contains nutes? I would bet my left nut u got some N burn or PH or over watering problem.


Active Member
thznk schmokey thats definetly the type of advice i was looking! so i will let it grow for abit and only flush if essential, dont fert for (how long??) also it gets all day sunlight from sun rise to sun set.about 630- 730 around about im just guessing really.ill post up in acouple of weeks to let you know how it went!
Ok. Unless you see the burn getting worse leave it. Don't fall into the "I need to push ferts" trap. If your plants are a nice healthy green and growing well, leave the rest to nature. You aren't God, and neither am I. Hence, you can't work wonders that aren't intended to be.

Pay attention to your watering. When you water, water enough to see water coming out of the bottom of the pots and stop. Wait until you can feel your pots getting light and just before the soil starts pulling from the sides of the pots before you water again. Naturally, it's a moving target, but you'll get the hang of it.

As for a nitrogen fertilizer during veg, if I have to add any at all I use a liquid fish emulsion. Here in Canada it's a product called Musky. Use as directed. Guaranteed non burning which is a plus.


Well-Known Member
Ok. Unless you see the burn getting worse leave it. Don't fall into the "I need to push ferts" trap. If your plants are a nice healthy green and growing well, leave the rest to nature. You aren't God, and neither am I. Hence, you can't work wonders that aren't intended to be.

Pay attention to your watering. When you water, water enough to see water coming out of the bottom of the pots and stop. Wait until you can feel your pots getting light and just before the soil starts pulling from the sides of the pots before you water again. Naturally, it's a moving target, but you'll get the hang of it.

As for a nitrogen fertilizer during veg, if I have to add any at all I use a liquid fish emulsion. Here in Canada it's a product called Musky. Use as directed. Guaranteed non burning which is a plus.
Great advice, i'm all repped out but + Rep


Active Member
My guess is that rinny started out with a decent potting soil or his plants wouldn't have got as far as they have. And then I'd guess he's got over anxious and hit em with a chem fert high in N and torched 'em. If all is good now, I'd just leave and see how things go for the time being.

Considering the size of his plants for the age he says they are, his biggest problem is that they need a ton more light.


Active Member
thznk schmokey thats definetly the type of advice i was looking!
You're quite welcome. Hard found knowledge it was too!
dont fert for (how long??)
As long as you're seeing a nice dark healthy green, don't worry about it. If you used a decent commercial soil mix, it'll have plenty of food available for your babes.
also it gets all day sunlight from sun rise to sun set.about 630- 730 around about im just guessing really.ill post up in acouple of weeks to let you know how it went!
That concerns me. 13 hours a day is borderline flowering time. If that's the case, start thinking about moving things indoors or they'll start into flower soon. Unless of course you're days are getting longer which I doubt, since you're supposedly in Aussieland.

Hope it helps, good luck.


Well-Known Member
My guess is that rinny started out with a decent potting soil or his plants wouldn't have got as far as they have. And then I'd guess he's got over anxious and hit em with a chem fert high in N and torched 'em. If all is good now, I'd just leave and see how things go for the time being.

Considering the size of his plants for the age he says they are, his biggest problem is that they need a ton more light.
getting pleanty of light ,sunrise is usually 600 and sunset is about 730 so thats 13 and a half hours of light? i though that was quite good considering im outdoors.

also every one is saying nute burn, but how are the bottom leaves really pale yellow??


Active Member
getting pleanty of light ,sunrise is usually 600 and sunset is about 730 so thats 13 and a half hours of light? i though that was quite good considering im outdoors.
Nope. Being as you are in the southern latitudes I have to kind of turn my thinking upside down here, so bear with me.

Where I am, our summer solstice (longest day of the year) occurs on June 21st give or take a day. At that time of the year we see the height of the brightest sunlight of the year (lots of blue in the sun's light) and the longest days, the sun is beginning to light the sky at 4am and the sky won't be completely dark again until almost 10pm. Hence, our plants can be thought of being awake for about 18 hours a day. In your case, this would have occurred on Dec. 21st. And now you are two months into shorter days, with more red in the sun's light (less blue, not as strong, etc.). Personally, I wouldn't waste my time trying to veg with less than 18 hours a day of light. In fact, I veg 24/7 which I know will start and argument with other's who contend 18 hours a day is optimum. Whatever.

Anyway, my point is that you are into the latter part of the growing season where you are and it is not the optimum time of year for you to be trying to veg outdoors. If I were you, I'd move my babes indoors, get them under 24/7 light of some sort. 5600K to 6500K CFL's will do the trick quite nicely. Veg them for a month or so, and then toss 'em back outside to finish the season. 13 hours of sunlight a day in the latter part of the growing season isn't going to cut it for vegging.

also every one is saying nute burn, but how are the bottom leaves really pale yellow??
No doubt that's exacly what has happened. But once you've torched the leaves the plant will cease to use them, gradually perhaps but most surely. Those leaves are pooched. The plants will gradually use up what nutrients are still available in them, but they'll never come back. Forget about them and concentrate your efforts on the rest of your babes.


Well-Known Member
This afternoon i went to check how my plant was doing and i saw ants packing up around the holes at the bottom!! i had noticed them hanging around the plant in the last couple of days ,but now it as so much worse so i qiuckly ran to the nursery and grabbed some Richgro ANT KILLA it is plant friendly and so i read the instructions and sprinkled it all over the area where my plant is and around the holes,also i sprinkled a little on the soil on you think this could of been one of the reasons why my plant started to look like this??


Well-Known Member
their gone now that stuff worked great!!if you ever have the same problem i would definatly recommend richgro ANT KILLA have seen a problem since maybe the odd ant here and there around the area