(Pics) Female or Hermi?


Well-Known Member
I saw wait a while and you diss me like this!lol! My advice is the same but he don't even know if they are male pollen sacs or not plus he has just seen more white hairs. Hold your horses this is his second grow! Plus from those pics i don't see why you are advising pulling bits of plants yet. Don't run before you can walk would be a usefull saying here.
god forbid man, total spekt.

but jawbrodt also said, and granted, only start pulling when one is sure about what one is pulling :)


Well-Known Member
Sorry dude, people always panic at this time, didn't see advice not to pull until you know what you are pulling. Most growth looks suspect in preflower you just got to wait it out. I saw nothing in those pics that said pull anything off the plant at this point. Peace:joint::hump:


Active Member
Well thanks a lot guys for your help! I woke up today and notice more hair starting to form on the upper parts of the tops! I'm still bothered by the lower growth, just because they look like balls, But I will leave alone and update this page in a few days.! It does really look hermi!
Here is a better pic, check this out:




Well-Known Member
Most growers will now agree that this is hermi and now use the advice given and pull them off. Options now are give it time and see how hermi it is gona be, some go male ontop female underneath, some mix it up, some revert to female during the grow etc etc. If you don't need the space and can pull all the balls of then hey it would be good to see a hermi plant grow but this will now be at the risk of pollinating female plants and producing seed, possibly more hermi plants. Seeds of true hermi plants are not desirable by anyone, bad genetics.

At this point i think you should tell us how many male/female/hermi plants you think you got so you can get more advice for the flowering time? Peace and congrats dude, your daughter is gay!lol!


Active Member
Most growers will now agree that this is hermi and now use the advice given and pull them off. Options now are give it time and see how hermi it is gona be, some go male ontop female underneath, some mix it up, some revert to female during the grow etc etc. If you don't need the space and can pull all the balls of then hey it would be good to see a hermi plant grow but this will now be at the risk of pollinating female plants and producing seed, possibly more hermi plants. Seeds of true hermi plants are not desirable by anyone, bad genetics.

At this point i think you should tell us how many male/female/hermi plants you think you got so you can get more advice for the flowering time? Peace and congrats dude, your daughter is gay!lol!

LOL! Well I only have this plant growing at the moment and I'm going to wait until the weekend to pluck those male part


Well-Known Member
One plant is all you got? might as well learn from it and maybe if you lucky you get some bud out of it. Plant another seedling or two to get your next grow going. The plants looked healthy so no reason why you shouldn't get good bud next time around. Feminised seeds always worked for me, dutch passion amongst others offer great female seeds, almost 100 percent guarenteed, i have never grown a male yet.


Active Member
Pay attention here guys! For all those who Keep saying that this plant is a Male. Once again, the Plant is a Hermi! Thats it, do you not see hairs and balls on the last pics I posted? HERMI. It's starting to show hairs on almost every top so far. I say another week and there should be hairs everywhere! Now what do you think?
Someone did tell me this plant will start to bud heavy between 50-65 days, I'm ony on day 38!

Here are the female parts!

Here are the male parts:

HERMI............to be continued!


Well-Known Member
I don't see any male balls really. Looks real good dude, i have the odd balls on plants and its all good. Maybe these were the only balls on the plant and it will turn out 100percent female! Loving the pics, reduce stress to the plant where ever possible and see how it goes. Did you look into hermi plants yet?

If you don't see any balls and are short of seed i would recomend collecting the pollen from the few male flowers/balls that you have and saving it, if it all looks good in a few weeks than pollinate a few flowers with the saved pollen and hey presto feminised seeds! They may have a tendency to hermie but if your desperate any weed is good weed plus in a few generations you could grow out the hermi trait. Good luck dude, looking real good.


Well-Known Member
All Female!lol!

Didnt see the male pics till just now and there are very little balls and most look pre-flowerish so i'd still say female not male. Pull them off and they shouldn't grow back. Pull them early or wait for the pollen if you want it. Definatly still Female!


Active Member
I wish I had a better camera because I need to take better pics! Here are Pics of my Plant! I never showed you guys!



Well-Known Member
That is gona bush out lovely when it flowers. Won't be able to see through it for leaves and bud. What is the flowering light?


Well-Known Member
She shouldn't grow much taller now. Good size for one 250watt hps, nice to get some more light in towards the end but 250 will definatly do. Is she topped? If you got that plant shape without topping it looks lovely.


Active Member
Yeah this is no topping, no nothing. Just reg grow! This is my second grow like this. my last plant was crazy with this 250w light. I am using a 250w Hortilux Super HPS...

This ended up a male but here is an example:
Last Grow


Well-Known Member
Well it looks female to me! Your shape of plant is amazing, most just grow up but yours has grown out with a lot of buds, real nice work dude, i am impressed. If you don't go the feminised way maybe clones or early sexing to avoid males.