pics of a plant that has revegged


Well-Known Member
I want to clear the air here and make sure everyone knows what I meen by revegged cause I suppose there are a few different meanings for it...but what I am speaking of is a plant that has tried to flower and then was brought back into veg.....I need some pics of what the leaves look like sometimes when this happens...and if I'm nis mistaken it will make airy buds or very leafy buds or the other or possibly if anyone would happen to have a pic or know where I could find one please show me or let me know..ty


Well-Known Member
Ok this is all great does anyone have a pic of a plant that isn't totally revegged friend has a plant and it doesn't have a lot of leaves on a lot if the fan leaves only have 5 leaves on them and are odd he has different strains and the leaves look like this on a few of his plants and I think they might of tried to flower early on then we're thrown back into veg a few months ago...


Well-Known Member
Ok this is all great does anyone have a pic of a plant that isn't totally revegged friend has a plant and it doesn't have a lot of leaves on a lot if the fan leaves only have 5 leaves on them and are odd he has different strains and the leaves look like this on a few of his plants and I think they might of tried to flower early on then we're thrown back into veg a few months ago...
Got a picture?