Pics of Buds from the Aeroponic Grow


Well-Known Member
well aeroponics is different from other methods. doesnt hydro method generally have a somewhat quicker flower time than soil?


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Aero and hydro are much faster grows then soil as the nutrients are readily availiable and the control you have over what the plant gets is direct and instant. Heres a few shots of a simple 4x8 flood table in a tent with co2. The flood is little slower as these pictures are right around week 4 so probably 2 more weeks to go on these but they look good...



Mr I Can Do That For Half
In my aero grows at 5 weeks the buds are huge swollen rock hard and have 75% red hair. The above pictures are from a flood table so they have time to go. This strain is fast to begin with and in aero the time need to grow is much less then any other grow method availiable. I use clones veg about 7-10 days plants are about 10 to 12 inches then flower for 5 weeks plants finish at about 3 feet with the 75% red hairs then go to 3-5 days dry and 45 day cure


Mr I Can Do That For Half
For this particular aero setup on this thread I have refined it to average about 2 lbs dried at a 5-6 week harvest


Mr I Can Do That For Half
In the 28 pant setup I get about about 3-4 oz per plant wet weight in a 5 week period with Fox farm nutes, grotek super H202,sweet,gravity,beastie Bloomz and cha ching


Well-Known Member
how hard is it to go aero? im growing in soil and wanna know if its possible to skip hydro and learn how to grow aero without knowing anything about hydro?


Mr I Can Do That For Half
sure it s not hard at all for me I think soil is the hardest way to grow. Takes so much space room and if issues come takes some much to correct and you have little control not to mention time. Hydro or aero very similar. just need the basics like knowing how to ph test and ppm test. then its just setting it up and setting timers and checking your ph and ppm values and keeping drains clean


Active Member
so using aeroponics... you harvested from seedling in 5 weeks or am i missing somthing.. yeah im a newbie with a aeroflo .. so yeah


Mr I Can Do That For Half
No i dont use seed except to get a mom then I use clones from there on out and take a new mom clone every year to replace the original moms. This way I keep a selected strains mom going have some from over 12 years ago still going. I take clones and get them rooted about 5-7 days . When roots show I toss them into the aero unit and veg about 10 days then go 5 weeks of flower maybe 6 weeks depending on strain... Also this isnt an aero flow this is my design I built and sell has different deliver system and method then aero flow and a lot less exspensive lol


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Some times. I usually just use rockwool, rooting hormones, humidity dome with a seedling heat mat and then mist with light solution of water phed to 5.8


Mr I Can Do That For Half
yes . as soon as trhe roots pop out of the 2x2x2 rockwool starter cubes I put a little hydroton in the net pot then the cube them pack hydroton around the rockwool and cover it and then pop it in the aero setup for about 10-12 days veg