Pics of First Grow (Fox Farm Products) Input appreciated


Well-Known Member
Hello Everyone. I'm am excited because I'm nearing harvest with my first crop. As you can see I'm not perfect but I'm open to any suggestions. Everything from this is chronic seeds saved from stuff that I have sold.

FYI- (1 diesal, Unknown Purple/Red strain.)
Fox Farm Nutrients- Tiger Bloom 1/2 strength to 3/4 nearing harvest and Big Bloom 3/4 full amount of dosage. All in Ocean Forest Organic Soil. When I feed the kids just normal water (ph 5.5) distilled with 1/4 TBLSP of Mothers Molassis. When I apply both ferts together i noticed they like 6.7-7.6 PH range, but perferably higher. Bout to start my flush after one last nutrient application for a week and a half then turn upside for 5 days. Once hung, I plan on trimming them down to bud/sugar leaves so no real leafage is on. Hopefully it will dry accordingly with 75 degree temps. After 5 days of being upside, I'm going to put nugs into a few mason jars and burp them twice every day for 3 days and the other 4 days I'll just burp once every day. Only question that I have now is, Is hanging your kids upside down okay with light on them or should they be completely shaded and warm in the room? I know once I apply the nugs into the mason jars those will be in a shaded area. Tell me what yall think



Well-Known Member
I forgot to ask how much longer do you guys all think I need until I chop her down and harvest? I forgot to tell you about the light. It's a 120 watt CFL light. It's nothing big that's why it's taking so long during flowering. The only reason why I trimmed the leaves in those pictures is because I wanted to see what I could and hopefully not couldn't get away with. I didn't cut any major fan leaves that were not already starting to die. I was very selective with what I trimmed. Hopefully I can have some half way decent smoke with your guy's input. I just recently moved it right next to the white reflector sheeting on the side of the room. Maybe that might make a little difference. Also, I moved the light down. It is about 4 or 5 inches from the top of the light. Before I left, I did the heat check over the top of the colas to see how warm it was to the tops of my kids. It passed without any major heat being put towards the plant.I tried before to move it closer to the light for a few days before but I noticed as if the hairs got a little heat and shriveled a tiny bit and got RED ambers just on the main cola. But now my plant branches are nearing the same height now.


Well-Known Member
Wow, I'm actually disappointed on how no one helps out the newbs here. I'm not even as experienced as 3/4 of these guys on this thread but they cant take the time to help out over here where someone reallly needs it. i took the time to actually put together a thread a few times with pictures and no responses. I been apart of this community now for over a year now and this is damn near sickening. Happy fuckin halloween


Well-Known Member
When you harvest you just hang your buds from a hanger or any other object in a dark room with a fan going to keep humidity down. Light degrades THC so you dont want it when drying or curing. You can also lay them on a screen if that'd be easier.

The plants dont look ready to harvest. Its hard to tell with those pics. Get yourself a pocket microscope from radioshack to check the trichomes. If you can't afford it, wait till the hairs start to recede and the calyxes swell.

I really dont understand why you would want to trim healthy leaves to see what you can and can't get away with. You understand healthy abundant foliage helps your plant grow right? You've decreased your yield by ripping off all the fan leaves.

Im a bit confused about the PH. Are you watering your plants with 5.5 ph and feeding with a 6.7 or 6.8 ph? If you're watering with 5.5 thats way too low. I dont know where you got that. This will help you some.

Sorry no one else has responded to the thread. Some people just aren't the helpful type.


Well-Known Member
When you harvest you just hang your buds from a hanger or any other object in a dark room with a fan going to keep humidity down. Light degrades THC so you dont want it when drying or curing. You can also lay them on a screen if that'd be easier.

The plants dont look ready to harvest. Its hard to tell with those pics. Get yourself a pocket microscope from radioshack to check the trichomes. If you can't afford it, wait till the hairs start to recede and the calyxes swell.

I really dont understand why you would want to trim healthy leaves to see what you can and can't get away with. You understand healthy abundant foliage helps your plant grow right? You've decreased your yield by ripping off all the fan leaves.

Im a bit confused about the PH. Are you watering your plants with 5.5 ph and feeding with a 6.7 or 6.8 ph? If you're watering with 5.5 thats way too low. I dont know where you got that. This will help you some.

Sorry no one else has responded to the thread. Some people just aren't the helpful type.

Awesome! some helpful input. I just got back from checking the kids out tonight. I'm new to this whole thing like I said and I'm trying to get the basic's of marijuana growing before I move on and care for many more. But what I was trying to say about my watering schedule was for every time I water without any pH supplements (distilled water) It sits at 5.5. But when I feed my plants the nutrients (h2o + big bloom + tiger bloom) the pH reads 6.5 (75% time) with respectable suggested amount from the labels.


Well-Known Member
What should my pH level be sitting at then for my last few weeks of harvest? I trimmed because the 125 CFL just doesnt put out enough electricity for me :bigjoint: . So anything helps to trim off. But yes I done wrong with the trimming so ill stop until harvest to see final results. What do you guys recommend to do before cutting for harvest? lights on 24/7 or have off for 2 days before chop? Also how long do you guys recommend flushing for a week or 2? personal experiences and why you personally believe would be the most help (smell, way the weed burns, etc).

Thank you for the wise Advice Dave


Well-Known Member
When u watter your plants it doesn't matter if its a seedling or a big monster. You want your water Ph at 6.2 - 7.0 I donno were u got that 5.5 if your water is 5.5 u need to add Baking soda to raise the Ph level till it gets in the range of 6.2 - 7.0. Now i can help you much on the harvesting but i dont think turning the lights out for 2 days be4 cutting her down is a good idea though.

Mr Bomb

Active Member
Definetly dont go 24/7 before harvesting and lights out for two days is not a bad idea since plants do most there growing during dark times. Base your harvest on trichomes.


Well-Known Member
if you want a good strain for your next grow try sensi seeds scunk 1, its very forgiving. as for your ph keep it as close to 6.5 as you can, this is optimum for cannabis. NEVER cut fan leaves off unless you are harvesting.(obviously) dry your buds in a well ventilated dark dry place, as for curing you are spot on. keep growing dude. start a grow journal on your next grow from start people on rollitup will be there to help you through all your ups and downs! peace.


Well-Known Member
it always makes me sad when i see a budding plant with no fan leaves. so much wasted potential. but your new as u said. you should have just added 3-4 42w cfls for side lighting if you didnt think you had enough light for your plants size.


Well-Known Member
it always makes me sad when i see a budding plant with no fan leaves. so much wasted potential. but your new as u said. you should have just added 3-4 42w cfls for side lighting if you didnt think you had enough light for your plants size.
i know what you mean man, it looks like a shit on a stick! but its better than my first grow 2 6 feet males:wall:


Well-Known Member
Like Mr. Bombs said, give your plants some dark time before harvest. During the light period the THC gets degraded. To what extent, I have no clue, but during the dark period its replenishing those trichomes.


Well-Known Member
Like Mr. Bombs said, give your plants some dark time before harvest. During the light period the THC gets degraded. To what extent, I have no clue, but during the dark period its replenishing those trichomes.
I love seeing all this help. It makes me double take this whole forum almost after a year now. There has just been a lot of none sense.

But for all those that helped, thanks for your 2 cents! I was reading about how someone said I'm doing better than they did for there first time (2, 6 foot males). What a bummer. I didn't try to cut the leaves off my fan ones. I had problem with water once a month ago early into my flowering. I poored to much water leading to overwater (so much roots had no oxygen to even breathe). I lost one smaller kid. (the water catcher filled a small puddle at the bottom for 12 hours). I tried reviving it but my medicinal marijuana partner went in there and showed me what he thought about it. Which is upsetting because he told me to leave it alone for a few days and his buddy even told him to dont touch it cause its in shock and can be saved still. Anyways that one got me a 20 bag to smoke.

Down below is a picture of my plant that wilted up and would not come back out of shock. I know your not supposed to transplant a flowering plant unless it is a 911 emergency. LOL. maybe i could of done it a day or two earlier to save it.

The last picture is taken on 10-20-09. As you can see the light is very dull, and lacken light. I'm thinking about and meeting in public with someone for another light maybe a 300 watt HPS? What's a reasonable price for a ballast with HPS light? gimmie your 3 cents now



Well-Known Member
its bad if you cut off every fan leaf. but its even worse if you dont ever trimm off any leaves. i bet i pull 20 a day off and check my journal out see for your self after week 4 week 5 i start trimming out fan leaves they block budsites and some just get so big they block whole branches


Are the nutes you using liquid or salts based? Its foolish to buy the premixed liquid nutrients, because your paying for 80-90 percent water when you can buy powered nute mixes and still do just as well with out paying for the water weight. I use nothing else.. maybe some hydrogen peroxide or vinegar but nothing other then pure H2O as far as liquid additives.


Well-Known Member
Michael if you're looking for a cheap lighting system check out

You can get a 400W HPS system for $100. Its a refurbished ballast w/ 3 year warranty. I can't vouch one way or the other for quality other than that I have one sitting next to me and it worked fine when I received it. My buddy still hasn't got his set up ready for it, so I dont know how well it works longer term.


Well-Known Member
its bad if you cut off every fan leaf. but its even worse if you dont ever trimm off any leaves. i bet i pull 20 a day off and check my journal out see for your self after week 4 week 5 i start trimming out fan leaves they block budsites and some just get so big they block whole branches
lol, the fan leaves give most of the energy to the budsites, chopping any is a bad idea, but if you think it works better I can respect your thoughts, although i completely disagree with them.:peace: