pics of first grow n eed advice.


SO here are some pics of my first grow. The are 2 easyryders. Lowryder#2 x AK47. For now i have them in a 2ft by 2ft by 2ft box with the inside painted white. for the time being for lighting i am using a 150 watt cfl and a 75 watt. They sprouted approx 3-4 days ago. I have them in miracle grow organic choice soil. they dont seem to be growing that fast one looks a little better then the other but I have seen vids and pics and have been trying to research and mine seem to be growin a little slow. here are the pics any pointers would be awesome feel free to ask anyh questions that may be of assistance to you in helping me with my grow. thansk!



Well-Known Member
jus giv em a bit of time to root proper and they will shoot up mate, roots need to find edge or bottom of pot then the growth will kick in nicely. jus keep ya laights nice and close without risking burning the delicate lil babys, keep a gd airflow so the air dont gt stagnent, they look ok for a few days. gd luck m8

ya soil looks a litttle dry though for such a young age how often and how much do u water em?


Active Member
pH? Those lights will be O/K for veg state, I suppose. You can use them thru flower too. No idea of your yield. They will get bigger, Your using a organic soil, If I were you I'd do full organic grow, Just because that's what I usually do except for my big plants and the buds just taste amazing, And I get soo fucked up. Gooood luck =] (Need any other help? Feel free to PM me.)



Thanks guys. Yes i forgot to mention i am useing 2 computer fans as an intake and exhaust. as far as watering i have read a few differnt things as far as what to do. I have read to wait until the pots feel light and the soil is dry and then water. what i was doing up until a couple days ago was just watering when ever they looked dry. How often and how much would u suggest i water them for there age?


D- hey man they look good so far, im new to growin myself long time appreciator though. lol anyway i had 5 plants start like you have them but in dixie cups they tookgood but i think i over waterd 3 of them one snaped in a transplant and i have one going strong now i need to trans plant in a few days. a gatorade jug isnt as good as i thought, BUT CASE IN POINT so far so good. just get them a mix of light and dark i started with 12/12 it did me good. and talk to your plants. I talked to mine ( i know its gay ) and it seemed to help one of the ones dying held on for a few more days than the others.


Well-Known Member
Thanks guys. Yes i forgot to mention i am useing 2 computer fans as an intake and exhaust. as far as watering i have read a few differnt things as far as what to do. I have read to wait until the pots feel light and the soil is dry and then water. what i was doing up until a couple days ago was just watering when ever they looked dry. How often and how much would u suggest i water them for there age?

just keep em moist for a few more days give em amisting twice a day m8 until the 2nd set of leaves appears, then let em dry right out like u have researched. that is the right thing to do jus not quite yet. :peace:


Ok thanks again guys.. Im happy to hear tat they apprear to be doing good so far.. if i have any additional questions i will be sure to ask:) also i will keep you guys posted on the show. Also forgot tomention i have them on a 20 hour daylight cycle.


Hey guys so for todays update is they are on there second set of leaves havent grown any taller. I dunno if its just me or what but i expected alot more prgoress then this they are pretty much the same height as before except they are on there second set of leaves. I thought these plants were suppost to be done in 9-10 weeks i mean i understand that im only using cfls but shouldnt they have progressed more then this it has been like 3 weeks.... any help would be awesome. i have a couple more seeds from the same strain i am almost wondering if i should just say fuck these ones and start over...


you think the soil might be the issue? what kind of soild would you suggest that i can easily find at this time of year at say wal-mart...? also should i just transplant these plants into fresh soil of a different kind or should i just start fresh with some new seeds.. if these are savable i deff want to as they are feminized and costed me damn near 20 bucks each lol.


Active Member
wus there any ferts in the soild cause when there young soiless mix umm also are you using nutrients?? could be y if you are ...also id keep them just cause se how they turn out you never no right


wus there any ferts in the soild cause when there young soiless mix umm also are you using nutrients?? could be y if you are ...also id keep them just cause se how they turn out you never no right
I'm a first time grower on the 3rd batch after losing the first two to (1) overwatering (2) improper soil. I was using MG Organic and after a week the seedlings became shriveled and look 'fried'. So I mixed the small bag of MG Org with a local potting soil mix, used a soil pH reader showing a little under 7.0 and nutrient level high on the "little low" scale.

These plants will be approximately 2 weeks old tommorrow and most are a very nice green color so far.

Also resist watering them too much. I now water them with pH tested water every 3-4 days keeping the humidy around 66%, temp at 88 F with a fan on them constantly.

Poke the surface of the soil to loosen it after the water has dried to help let oxygen get to the roots.

I ordered some FoxFarm nutes which I will start to use sometime late in week 3 or when the little starter leaves dry and die off.




I'm a first time grower on the 3rd batch after losing the first two to (1) overwatering (2) improper soil. I was using MG Organic and after a week the seedlings became shriveled and look 'fried'. So I mixed the small bag of MG Org with a local potting soil mix, used a soil pH reader showing a little under 7.0 and nutrient level high on the "little low" scale.

These plants will be approximately 2 weeks old tommorrow and most are a very nice green color so far.

Also resist watering them too much. I now water them with pH tested water every 3-4 days keeping the humidy around 66%, temp at 88 F with a fan on them constantly.

Poke the surface of the soil to loosen it after the water has dried to help let oxygen get to the roots.

I ordered some FoxFarm nutes which I will start to use sometime late in week 3 or when the little starter leaves dry and die off.

does it matter what kind of possing soil i should mix in with the organic because thats how mine look kind of fried lol :( and how should i mix ratio wise also what kind of lighting are u using?


No i havent added any nutes at all...
Unfortunately, a lot of potting soil don't list nutrient content and found out something the plants like through trial and error. In general, we dont want soil that is too clay-like nor too barkish..the roots will need an environment with proper drainage.
Forums suggest not getting anything with time released nutes. As far as Walmart nutes not sure. Using Fox Farm my first time around. Whatever you use, make sure if has enough nitrogen for the seedling and dont use ANY nutes until after at least 3 weeks..even very dilluted by then. The cotelydons (sp?), the little leaves, contain most of the nutes for the plant until they dry up and fall off.

Im using an 8000 lumens T5 HO ballast with 4 -2' daylight bulbs on about 10 small seedlings. The seem to like it. Minimal heat and no noise.