Pics of my droopy plants TLNR

2) Growing indoor or outdoors- INDOORS
3) Watering schedule- EVERY OTHER DAY
5) What stage of growth- 9 WEEKS OLD 3 IN FLOWER
ok here goes:

I am growing in my basement that is about 45 to 55 degrees. I have a separate grow space i built that is heated with a space (2foot by 2foot about 8 feet high)heater and the space is about 65F to70F during the light period and 55F during the dark. I have a fan pushing air down from the top but not sucking it in from the outside of the box. My 3 plants are about 35inches tall and are potted in mixed compost, sand and potting soil. They are in cut open 2 liter coke bottles.

My watering schedule is every other day. They plants have wilted before and I have upped to every day, but then go back to every other day with no ill effects.
I was using Better Grow Orchid (20-14-13) I used this through the veg stage at 1/2 strength and didnt notice any problems. I changed to Better Grow Orchid Bloom (11-35-15) the day i went to 12/12 using the flower nutes at 1/4 strength

Right now my plants are 9 weeks 3 days old. I vegged them for 6 and a half weeks and in flower for 3 weeks.

I just tested my soil with a water and soil mixture. It said my PH was around 6.

PROBLEM: Droopy leaves , leafs cupping downward, purple stems and branches, yellow bottom leaves falling off, some brown spots on leaves other than yellow ones
I have looked around a lot for the last few days and seems like i have multiple problems. Are my buds too small for 3 weeks? The cold has me concerned. The plants dont look like they are dying but the drooping leaves have me concerned and i hope this isnt the beginning of the end. Remeber there are 3 plants (and one small mutant plant.. but that's another story) in these photos.

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
can't really view the pics i saw one but from the sound of it it's a problem with your watering habits. I think it's probably due to poor soil consistency. Don't know what to tell you but to water less often but if your plant is wilting that fast there's probably something wrong.


Well-Known Member
70 sounds a lot better. anything between 70 and 85 is fine 55 is just too cold and your yeilds will suffer. are you sure your not overwattering?

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
I actually saw another pic and the pot looked really small that could also be the cause if the roots are root bound it would explain why they are drying up so fast try to use a gallon for every month of it's life.
2) Growing indoor or outdoors- INDOORS
3) Watering schedule- EVERY OTHER DAY
5) What stage of growth- 9 WEEKS OLD 3 IN FLOWER
ok here goes:

I am growing in my basement that is about 45 to 55 degrees. I have a separate grow space i built that is heated with a space (2foot by 2foot about 8 feet high)heater and the space is about 65F to70F during the light period and 55F during the dark. I have a fan pushing air down from the top but not sucking it in from the outside of the box. My 3 plants are about 35inches tall and are potted in mixed compost, sand and potting soil. They are in cut open 2 liter coke bottles.

My watering schedule is every other day. They plants have wilted before and I have upped to every day, but then go back to every other day with no ill effects.
I was using Better Grow Orchid (20-14-13) I used this through the veg stage at 1/2 strength and didnt notice any problems. I changed to Better Grow Orchid Bloom (11-35-15) the day i went to 12/12 using the flower nutes at 1/4 strength

Right now my plants are 9 weeks 3 days old. I vegged them for 6 and a half weeks and in flower for 3 weeks.

I just tested my soil with a water and soil mixture. It said my PH was around 6.

PROBLEM: Droopy leaves , leafs cupping downward, purple stems and branches, yellow bottom leaves falling off, some brown spots on leaves other than yellow ones
I have looked around a lot for the last few days and seems like i have multiple problems. Are my buds too small for 3 weeks? The cold has me concerned. The plants dont look like they are dying but the drooping leaves have me concerned and i hope this isnt the beginning of the end. Remeber there are 3 plants (and one small mutant plant.. but that's another story) in these photos.

Do you have correct drainage? Flush with water every 4 to 5 days, you may have too many nutes.
yeah get some 5 gallon buckets, or at least 3
i put two of the three plants into 14 quarts (3 and a 1/2 gallon) i didnt have enough potting soil to do all three. i will do the third after work today. i did the same compost to sand to potting soil mix. the soil is Miracle Grow Moisture control potting soil. it says it feeds the plant for 3 months. does this mean i shouldn't put any fertilizers into the soil for a while?

how much water should i give each 3 1/2 gallon bucket? when the plants were in the 2 liter bottles i gave them about 750ml (1/5 a gallon) or less at each watering. i would water until water drained from the bottom

I hope this works. again thanks


Well-Known Member
water untill it drains out the bottom. miracle grow isnt that great but if you mixed with compost and sand you should be good with adding any nutes for about a month or so. how far along are you again?