Pics of my lil one in the Aerogarden

rush you can not clone auto flowering plants only grow from seeds to short of life span put lights on 24/7 and let em grow,,,,:peace:420

how about when the plants are still in veg???can i clone them then??

also im wondering whats the some of the best organic fertilizer for flowering for my outdoor plants....THANKS BG420
how about when the plants are still in veg???can i clone them then??

also im wondering whats the some of the best organic fertilizer for flowering for my outdoor plants....THANKS BG420
you can never clone autos u only have 70 or more days till completely done just put under 24/7 lights, never turn lights off ,,,:peace:420 outdoor if ur flowering use only nova bloom all u need bro
Damn man, I just started my aero-op yesterday. I hope it turns out ok. I've been seeing all kinds of feedback on these kinds of grows.
you can never clone autos u only have 70 or more days till completely done just put under 24/7 lights, never turn lights off ,,,:peace:420 outdoor if ur flowering use only nova bloom all u need bro

thanks mahn.....also i was walking near a wooded area were i have had outdoor plants before and there was a biker who got off his bike and went up this foot path...i had a suspision but continued walking past him...on my way back i went and check out this path...i turned a corner to a large open feild.....when suddenly that biker yelled HEY and started running at me with a MACETTE.... i quickly reacted by pulling a mini crow bar out of my pants .... as he ran at us my brother and i ran at him then we all stoped in the center of the feild we were 7-8 feet from him and he sayed.. ohh i thought you were stealing my bike he said and my brother said.... bullshit we know what your doing up here and he started getting vilent not too shure on what his next move would be my brother pulled out a can of bear mace and sprayed the guy he fell over and droped the macette...we then ran towards him to get a peice of this goof who wanted to endanger my life with his macette...but we caght a big cloud of bear spray in our faces and eyes were teering and my lungs were burning ...imagen how the guy felt....soon as the cloud died off i ran at him and swung at his head with the crowbar and hit him hard that a chunk of his skin and hair were stuck in the teeth of the crowbar... he fell over once more ...and i told him to get the fuckout of hear he ran off and stumbled to his bike...we then started chaseing him to make shure he left..after about 10 mins on my way out i heard an ambulance...buddy must have been in a world of for people planting in the forrest YOU MAY NOT BE ALONE....SO GO PACKING A WEAPON
thanks mahn.....also i was walking near a wooded area were i have had outdoor plants before and there was a biker who got off his bike and went up this foot path...i had a suspision but continued walking past him...on my way back i went and check out this path...i turned a corner to a large open feild.....when suddenly that biker yelled HEY and started running at me with a MACETTE.... i quickly reacted by pulling a mini crow bar out of my pants .... as he ran at us my brother and i ran at him then we all stoped in the center of the feild we were 7-8 feet from him and he sayed.. ohh i thought you were stealing my bike he said and my brother said.... bullshit we know what your doing up here and he started getting vilent not too shure on what his next move would be my brother pulled out a can of bear mace and sprayed the guy he fell over and droped the macette...we then ran towards him to get a peice of this goof who wanted to endanger my life with his macette...but we caght a big cloud of bear spray in our faces and eyes were teering and my lungs were burning ...imagen how the guy felt....soon as the cloud died off i ran at him and swung at his head with the crowbar and hit him hard that a chunk of his skin and hair were stuck in the teeth of the crowbar... he fell over once more ...and i told him to get the fuckout of hear he ran off and stumbled to his bike...we then started chaseing him to make shure he left..after about 10 mins on my way out i heard an ambulance...buddy must have been in a world of for people planting in the forrest YOU MAY NOT BE ALONE....SO GO PACKING A WEAPON
congratulations rush you went from growing nuggsz to being a felonious assault felon pot is supposed to non violent recreiation if you value our freindship i suggest no more playing rambo ,,,:peace:420 smoke a blunt and calm down i hope u never get charged for ur misshap!!!!!!!!!!!
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oh my god, a there was chunks of him in the crowbar? fuckin shit thats intense, i cant imagine what it feels like to forcefully swing a crowbar at someones head. you're lucky he didnt die.
it was for my own safty
rush you should never grow anywhere u would need weapons this isnt a joke you could get 18 -36 years for a felonious assault (hitting anyone above the waist with any weapon ) serious sh@t i love weed but my freedom is way more important than protecting my crop with weapons use stealth instead of violence i just want you to be a stellar citizen other than ur green thumb ,,,,:peace:420
yeah i use the aerogarden for my mother plant :) works great! its been morthing for about 6 months now
@fist How did your Ladies come to be?

Alright i got one at about 4 weeks old pre-fem, Don't have a big fancy light set-up, just regular aerogarden lights. I"ll have have the deluxe in about 2 weeks. I'm needing advice in how long i should veg her and roughly how much bud i should get in the end. Any replies would be grateful.

uhhh wtf???????????? yoo

one minute your a girl one minute your a guy

one minute you have AG pot grow next minute this shit is all fake then next your still growing wtf LOL? smoke something and get a lil tripped out did you

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i veg mine for about 1.5 months but they are clones. id say 2 months of veg in the AG is good. the plant doubles in size after flowering starts so the AG wont beable to handle tall ass plants