Pics Of My Possible Phytium


Well-Known Member
ok these are the pics for the thread below cos im kinda desperate for a response guys... have registered with a couple other forums but this seems more active... I am not a newbie grower just a limited resources and still building my indoor setup (I have a nice hps etc just building hydro).

all plants sown mid april and outdoor was potted out say a month or so ago...
like i said in previous post- tiny white spots base of the stem and raising, dark patch on bottom of my greenhouse plant's stem (also slightly resinous and sticky). Also (groan) some unusual yellowing and necrosis on bottom section, mainly on the greenhouse plant (deficiency?).

here are pics of the yellowing, indoor stem and outdoor plant (so u can see its worth saving)...

cmon guys i know u can help! thanks for reading... (please note we have had a very dark-damp summer... is there any hope? same spot i usually plant)


Well-Known Member
here are some more pics if it helps... anyone noticed I'm getting desperate?

heres the outdoor stem, some posible mite damage and a pic of the (rather spindly) indoor/greenhouse plant with most probs... its really starting to look like a compounded problem...

help help help


Well-Known Member
An experienced grower has suggested soaking some tissue paper in sugar water and wrapping round affected stem... ideas?

beginning to think noone likes me :(


Well-Known Member
they look ok to me, maybe a little bug damage, but overall good.

lowest leaves on the plant will die off as they aren't needed, ie, if they stop receiving light, they become plant food, this is nothing to worry about. seems to me that this is your yellowing.

the stem on that plant looks alright too, what's the problem with it?

sugarwater and toilet paper? sounds like the best way in the world to attract ants....

what do you need answers to? i'd like to help, but i honestly don't understand what the problem/s is/are...

love, kp


Well-Known Member
Thankyou 4 ur reply KP- ure name is very accurate :) I think ive caught prob early so mayeb not that visible. The stem has a section lower down which is darkening and seems a little sticky and resinous- also these tiny white raised dots seem almost "rash-like" -hard to see without comparison to rest of stem- will try for more pics- someone mentioned "falling over disease" as a result of pythium which sounds like the worst possible thing in the world ever... there was more info on my previous post... will keep posted and maybe get some more pics.. ty again - maybe theyll make it it just has been SO wet this year, ive never seen anything like it...

Basically i have had conflicting advice so far- one person thinks i should dig em all up str8 away and carefully wash the roots- repotting with more drainage- but that would be a task cos theyre getting kinda big... another guy's said to plant the greenhouse one outside as it is most affected... im hanging fire atm- but im thinking if worst comes to worst and it I am gonna lose it -can i clone the hell out of them, even if they have started flowering? only scattered pistles atm...


Well-Known Member
here are the pics from my origional post that show the stem worst affected and what i assume is a deficiancy- also plenty of pests this year- time for me to go indoor i think!!!

