Pics of my seedlings wndering if they look good


Active Member
Today is Day 8 Just got home from work decided to post alil something give me a lil feedback good or bad
2011-01-25 23.50.54.jpg

new smokey

Active Member
Little stretchier then i like to have mine but to each there own. If you don't want them to stretch to bad get your lights a lil closer. And place them above the plant not on the sides. side light only really helps once you get heavier growth. Looking like you've got cfls? Are they 2700s or 6500s? By the color of the light I'm guessing 2700s.


Active Member
ya i think 2700s not really to sure just two i took from other lamps in the house but ill move the lights so their above and closer i appreciate the advice


Active Member
i am using 42 watt cfls and i like to keep them 2 1/2in-3in away, they look good though just let them grow and do their thing


Active Member
well im just using them till two weeks goes by and ill throw them underr the hps or u think i should turn on the hps now?

new smokey

Active Member
No hps is no better then 2700s. Hps are used for the most part flower only. Looking closer at your pic your stems are a little red too. I can't remember if thats a nute dif. or a ph problem.


Active Member
gotta be nute cuz my ph is on point but i havent even used nutes ive only been using r/o water phed at 5.8- 6.0 they said seedlings dont need nutes for atleast afew weeks and i only got 2 cfls im def trying to switch to the hps asap roots are very white assumed everything was going good


Active Member
No hps is no better then 2700s. Hps are used for the most part flower only. Looking closer at your pic your stems are a little red too. I can't remember if thats a nute dif. or a ph problem.
not true man.. i use only HPS ballasts... i will never use a MH ballast.. your plants will grow fine under an HPS with full orange or red spectrum... but id you have a full HPS only ballast go to your local hydro store and get a HILUX GRO bulb.. its a bulb for an HPS ballast with 100% blue spectrum.. so there is no need for a MH ballast...... but like i said you plants will grow just fine during vegg even will a regluar HPS blub.......and as for purple strems is stress


Active Member
ya get more lights
more lights really? i think my hps will do just fine i only got 4 plants i think tomorrow ill throw up the hps and keep it a foot or two away i feel comfortable and thx for the adivce W i did read purple stems meant stress but that cud be just from it being a lil to cold at times

new smokey

Active Member
nitogen dif. can cause stems to turn a red to purplish tinge. This is also true for phosphorous dif. The differance is mj uses more nitrogen while in veg and more phosphorous during flower. Qouted form Ed Rosenthals handbook.


Active Member
not bagseed its purple haze #1 tho so that i guess makes sense from poistronics world-wide-mjseeds


Active Member
how far from my 150 watt hps shud i have my seedlings? i put them about 8inches away and it got a lil to hot to fast so i dropped them down to a foot away and i noticed some lil black ball shapped stuff on the tops of my rockwool maybe mold?

new smokey

Active Member
Do the hand test. place your hand at the top of your plants and see what the heat is. If its to hot for your hand it's to hot for your plants. As for the rockwool I don't use it and don't have a clue.


Active Member
how far from my 150 watt hps shud i have my seedlings? i put them about 8inches away and it got a lil to hot to fast so i dropped them down to a foot away and i noticed some lil black ball shapped stuff on the tops of my rockwool maybe mold?
like new smokey said, do the hand test thats prolly the best way if your not sure... during veg with my 400HPS i like to keep em about 19inchs - 24inchs at the most,