pics of plants after run off any1 no whats up


these are my plants a day after i did a run off....used 10 liters of warter with ph ov 6,5 for each plant
the last liter of warter i gave them wen i did the run off had half strenthveg nuties with a tea spoon ov hydrogen peroxide
can any1 tell me whats up and will they recover

the plants are very droopy



Well-Known Member
i dont see any other problems other then the droop...if you have them on a proper feeding, and water schedule, everything should be fine in a day or so. when i flush, my plants look like that for most of the day.


ppm when feeding is only 0.8 - 1.0
warter temp is 18 - 23 i usaiiy make so its 20 degrees

plants are 3week into veg


Well-Known Member
Wat up Mac? Why did you flush to begin with?
Put your fan on high let'em dry out and hope they
perk up. If the don't perk up in another day or 2 it's something
else. They look like they were alright why did you flush!
It's a lot of stress let'em dry out really really good!


Posted some pics of them b4...the tips was yellow and curling under
alot of leaves had different shades of yellow in them
was told to flush them so bein new to this I just took the advise and flushed
I caught the warter wen I did the run off the colour was a orange coulor
my lights will be back on soon so il let you no how they look mate