Pics of Ripe Power Skunk, Anyone?


Well-Known Member
Wow Im using 600w of shps same bulb but 600 and using 400w mh hortilux to make 1000w maybe its the mh in there.


Well-Known Member
I have this thai skunk Im holding just went into the flowering schedule. But given that I have a really nice set of white widows and a KC33 is it worthwhile to just yank the thai and let it work some more outside? I am at 13 hours daylight now outside and its just going to get more daylight till summer solstice. What do you all think?

Stoney Jake

Well-Known Member
I think alot of people are mixing up the power skunk with the thai skunk....Power skunk was the old freebee on tude


Well-Known Member
I've been vegging my power skunk for a month now under a 600w HPS I planned on putting them outside soon, right now we're at 13 hrs of daylight tho, if i put them out tomorrow would it be too soon?


Well-Known Member
I think theyre getting mixed up too. Volcom it would be IMO too early you need that 12th hour of darkness.


Well-Known Member
I think theyre getting mixed up too. Volcom it would be IMO too early you need that 12th hour of darkness.
I think he is putting them out for the season, not to flower, and nights are getting shorter.

That being may try to flower a little and then switch back to veg, not ideal but would not kill her. I have friends with veg plants out now...but I would not.


Stoney Jake

Well-Known Member
I smoked some that I let dry a few days without curing and it was very nice. Tasted pretty good for no cure. Still had that same smell. Got me very nice and high, was a little more upity then I like so it should be just right now that it has been another week. Im for sure choppin on monday


Well-Known Member
I finally got a scope yesterday so I was able to check some trichs on my power skunk and so far they are looking like about 50 cloudy 40 amber and even a little bit of clear, so harvest is rite around the corner. Its been like 14 weeks or more. HARVEST TIME, well in 1 week or so. WOOT WOOT

Stoney Jake

Well-Known Member
man I like mine more like 10% amber. Not to much or it will put me to sleep lol. I let my big bang go a bit to long for my liking. Its still less then 20%

I got some of my favorite smoke and looked at it through a scope to help me determine what I like and its about 10% amber at the most. Im sure different strain are better at different times though so its best to try a few different ways


Well-Known Member
man I like mine more like 10% amber. Not to much or it will put me to sleep lol. I let my big bang go a bit to long for my liking. Its still less then 20%

I got some of my favorite smoke and looked at it through a scope to help me determine what I like and its about 10% amber at the most. Im sure different strain are better at different times though so its best to try a few different ways
Agree 100%


Stoney Jake

Well-Known Member
For sure. Looking really forward to it
I think its going to be a good yeild. I dont let my plants get to big so 1.5oz is the most I have gotten off a plant(I have only harvested bag seed so far). This one looks like it could be twice that. I tied the branches together before putting it into darkness so it doesnt just bend over lol

How about you. Still going to chop on monday?

Stoney Jake

Well-Known Member
I got a new grow area on thursday and while I was moving everything I knocked over a bottle of molasses and broke a branch off of one of the less mature ones. I trimmed it up and dried it for a few days and heres what I got.



Well-Known Member
Thats a nice little bud lol. I "accidently" broke a couple nugs, ok on purpose but you should be happy. I was going to harvest the PS on monday but I think Im going to wait 2 more weeks only because of some things Ive read about early harvest but I will for surely be harvesting this month. Cant FUCKING WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Make sure to post your harvest Stoney.

Stoney Jake

Well-Known Member
Very nice

Yeah. I had smoke when it happened so it got a chance to slow dry. Its pretty damn good for what the plant looks like lol
Ill post some nice dry pics this weekend

I only chopped one of the power skunk.
The first pic is the one power skunk all trimmed up. The second is it hangin with the big bang I chopped

