Pics of short rider and ak-48 grow


Active Member
Hey guys

Here is our 1st dwc grow. The one flowering is the short rider and the other two are ak-48. The one ak got really screwed up in a timer malfunction that kept the light on/off for periods so it is very sparse and is really saggy. The big ak is great, she was going to be a mother but we decided to flower her, the ak's seem to be a very slow flowering plant. The short rider was an auto flower from nirvana, we had another one but it auto flowered itself in the same timer problem when it was still a little plant, so we pulled her, this one though did fine and is looking really nice, just hoping the buds will bulk up a bit more.

Pretty simple grow (3) 5 gallon buckets with two airstones in each, GH nutes, 600w light, temp is between 70-75* and humidity is 30-45%



Active Member
thanks weedler, should have done SOG method but it was our first time so next grow i have planned i think might be a 36 site aeroflow in a secret jardin tent and use the SOG method. still havent decided what the next flavor of grow will be :)